The ATK Launch Systems, Bacchus Facility is located in West Valley City, Utah and was formerly owned and operated by the Hercules Company. The Bacchus Facility includes the following subparts. Plant 1 which is owned and operated by ATK, NIROP (the Naval Industrial Reserve Ordnance Plant) which is owned by the Navy and operate by ATK, and Bacchus West which is operated by ATK on land leased from the Kennecott Copper Company and a number of off-site groundwater monitoring wells. ATK uses the Bacchus Facility to manufacture solid propellants, rocket motors and composite products and to store and treat hazardous waste.

ATK has operated hazardous. waste storage and treatment (open burning) units at the Bacchus Facility under interim status since 1980. The regulated units are located on Plant 1 and NIROP. Plant 1 has four regulated hazardous waste storage units, one that is used to storage chemical waste and three that are used to store waste explosives. The Division issued a Part B Hazardous Waste Storage Permit (unofficial permit) to ATK for the Plant 1 units in September 2008.
NIROP has two regulated hazardous waste storage units an. one regulated hazardous waste treatment unit. One of the hazardous waste. storage units is used to store waste explosives and the other is used to store. treatment residues. The treatment unit is a Subpart X Thermal Treatment unit that is designated the NIROP Burning Grounds and is used to treat waste explosives (reactive wastes). The Division issued a Part B Hazardous Waste. Storage and Subpart X Thermal Treatment Permit (unofficial copy) to ATK and the United States Navy for the NIROP facility on September 1, 2009.
Corrective Action
Under the direction of the Division, Hercules began corrective action activities at the Bacchus Facility. in 1985 with a series of interim measures. Hercules and the Division entered into a Consent Order in 1988 t. resolve enforcement actions and provided a framework for a facility wide. corrective action program. With the issuance of the Part B permit for the Plant 1 operations, the Division had absolved ATK of its responsibilities under the Consent Order by incorporating. the facility wide corrective action program into the Permit. Module (68 KB) specifically addressed the investigation and remediation of the groundwater contamination of Groundwater Management Unit (GWMU).

The Division completed a RCR. Facility Assessment that identified Solid Waste Management Units at the site in 1989. Since 1989, ATK has conducted several interim. corrective measures and developed a RCRA Facility. Investigation (RFI) Work Plan. Due to the large number of sites requiring investigation, the Division requested ATK to prioritize SWMU. (Solid Waste Management Units) and recommend that the high priority SWMUs be investigated first. ATK completed the prioritization effort and the RFI Work Plan was approved by the Division in June 2004. ATK has completed its initial investigation of the Group 1 SWMUs, Group 2 has bee. investigated and closed, the Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAP) for the Groups SWMUs and spill sites: SP-3, SP-4 and SP-5 have been approved and implemented.
In addition to the above, ATK is continuing to access the GWMU. Module V establishes a compliance schedule that ATK shall follow to determine cleanup levels for the groundwater contamination, complete it, assess treatment technologies, and implement the approved corrective measure to remediate the groundwater contamination (1.4 MB) at the Bacchus Facility.
While the Bacchus Facility. continues its efforts to complete its investigations of the SWMUs and GWMU, the Division concluded an Environmental Indicator Determinations for the Human Exposure (352 KB). This assessment determined that all groundwater and human exposures to the contamination are currently under control.
Comments or Questions
If you have any questions about the Part B Permit, please contact Sally Kaiser ([email protected]), (385) 499-4929. For questions about the post-closure permit, please contact Hao Zhu ([email protected]), (801) 558-9833.