Inspections, Enforcement, and Prohibited Practices:
Used Oil Program

Any duly authorized officer, employee or representative of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control may, at any reasonable time and upon presentation of appropriate credentials and upon providing the opportunity to have a representative of the owner, operator, or agent in charge to be present, enter upon and inspect any property, premise, or place on or at which used oil is generated, transported, stored, treated or disposed of, and may have access to and the right to copy any records relating to used oil for the purpose of ascertaining the compliance with “Standards for the Management of Used Oil (R315-15)“.

Collection centers are inspected twice per year by local health departments for standards of compliance. Permitted facilities are inspected at least once per year by Used Oil Section personnel for compliance with standards, including, contracts, tracking of records, potential dangers to human health and the environment, and to update the Division on the general status of the facility. In addition, complaints related to used oil are investigated by the section personnel, and/or the local health departments.

Violations of any provision of any order, permit, rule or other requirement issued or adopted is subject in a civil proceeding to a penalty of not more than $10,000 per day for each day of violation. In addition, the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board may bring suit in the name of the state to restrain the person from continuing the violation and to require the person to perform necessary remediation.

  • Used oil cannot be discharged into sewers or waters of the state.
  • Used oil cannot be incinerated, except at a facility authorized to incinerate hazardous wastes.
    NOTE: Burning for energy recovery is not considered incineration.
  • Used oil cannot be used an a dust suppressant or contact herbicide.
  • Used oil cannot be disposed on land or in a landfill.

Emergency Controls

In the event of a release of used oil, the person responsible for the material at the time of the release shall immediately take appropriate action to minimize the threat to human health and the environment. In addition, notify the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality, 24-hour Answering Service, (801) 536-4123 for used oil releases exceeding 25 gallons, or smaller releases that pose a potential threat to human health or the environment. Please refer to R315-15-9 of the Standards for the Management of Used Oil for a complete listing of all cleanup and reporting requirements for a used oil release.

Put Used Oil in its Place image


For more information about the Used Oil Program, please contact Ted Sonnenburg ([email protected]), (385) 499-0980.

Last Updated:


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