October 13, 2022 Agenda: Waste Management and Radiation Control Board

Meeting Materials

ADA Notice

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact LeAnn Johnson ([email protected]. ), Office of Human Resources at (385) 226-4881, Telecommunications Relay Service 711.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order
  2. Public Comments on Agenda Items
  3. Declarations of Conflict of Interest
  4. Approval of the meeting minutes for the September 8, 2022, Board meeting (Board Action Item).
  5. Petroleum Storage Tanks Update.
  6. FY2022 Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Actuarial Summary (Information Item).
  7. Low-Level Radioactive Waste.
    1. EnergySolutions request for a site-specific treatment variance from the Hazardous Waste Management Rules. EnergySolutions seeks authorization to receive and macroencapsulate ash contaminated with dioxins and furans (Board Action Item).
  8. Annual Open Meetings, Conflicts, Ethics and Records Training (Training provided virtually by Raymond Wixom, Assistant Attorney General, Office of Utah Attorney General)(Information Item).
  9. Director’s Report.
  10. Other Business.
    1. Miscellaneous Information Items.
    2. Scheduling of next Board meeting (November 10, 2022).
  11. Adjourn
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