February 2020
Facility Owner
Nielson Construction Landfill
C/O John Nielson
590 West Loop Road
Huntington, UT 84528
Facility Operator
Same as above
Property Owner
Same as above
Facility Location
Township 18 S, Range 8 E, Section 16, The site is located approximately 3 miles north of S.R. 29 on Des Bee Dove Road Castledale, Utah.
Remaining Capacity
- Acres: 40
- Tons: 500,000
- Cubic Yards: 1,000,000
- Years: 195
Waste Accepted
This permit is for the disposal of non-hazardous solid waste from coal mining operations including timbers, brattice, concrete blocks, wood and metal materials, empty lubricant containers, general mine refuse. The landfill may also dispose of non-hazardous construction/demolition waste, as defined in UAC R315-301-2(17); yard waste, as defined in UAC R315-301-2(85); inert waste, as defined in UAC R315-301-2(37); soil as allowed by UAC R315-315-8; waste tires, when the requirements of UAC R315-320 are met; and dead animals. Appliances and car bodies may be stored for recycling but may not be disposed.
Waste Excluded
No hazardous waste as defined by UAC R315-1 and R315-2; no PCB’s as defined by UAC R315-301(53), except construction/demolition waste containing PCB’s as specified by UAC R315-315-7(2)(a) and (c); no non-inert household waste, except waste resulting from the abatement, rehabilitation, renovation and remodeling of homes and other residences; no municipal waste; no special waste, except as specified in this permit; no non-inert commercial waste; and no non-inert industrial waste, except as allowed in this permit, shall be accepted for treatment, storage, or disposal at the landfill, this permit, of UCA 19-6-101 through 123 and of UAC R315-301 through 320.
Permit Effective Date
February 24, 2020
Facility Contact
John Nielson
(435) 687-5646
DEQ Contact
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
PO Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880
Phone: (801) 536-0200
Local Health Department
(435) 381-2252
Facility Documents
For more information, please contact Brian Speer ([email protected]) at (385) 459-0010.