September 13, 2018 Agenda: Waste Management and Radiation Control Board

Meeting Materials

ADA Notice

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact LeAnn Johnson ([email protected]. ), Office of Human Resources at (385) 226-4881, Telecommunications Relay Service 711.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order.
  2. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for the July 12, 2018 (Board Meeting (Board Action Item)
  3. Approval of the Meeting Minutes for August 30, 2018, Emergency Board Meeting (Board Action Item)
  4. Presentation by Attorney General’s Office on Conflict of Interest.
  5. Underground Storage Tanks Update.
  6. Administrative Rules.
    1. Approval of final adoption of proposed changes to the Used Oil Rules R315-15-16, Grants, to provide additional clarity and more detailed direction regarding the grant application, grant issuance, implementation and reimbursement processes (Board Action Item).
    2. Approval of final adoption of proposed changes to the Hazardous Waste Rules R315-260, Hazardous Waste Management System and R315-261, General Requirements – Identification and Listing of Hazardous Waste, to incorporate federal regulatory changes promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and published in the Federal Register on May 30, 2018 (83 FR 24664) (Board Action Item).
    3. Approval to proceed with formal rulemaking and public comment on proposed changes to Solid Waste Rules R315-301, to add a new subsection (R315-301-7) to establish self-inspection requirements in accordance with Section 19-6-109 of the Solid and Hazardous Waste Act (Board Action Item).
  7. Hazardous Waste Section
    1. Approval of proposed Stipulation and Consent Order between the Board and Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District (Board Action Item).
  8. Low-Level Radioactive Waste Section.
    1. EnergySolutions’ request for a site-specific treatment variance from the Hazardous Waste Management Rules. EnergySolutions seeks authorization to treat waste contaminated with dioxins and furans by macroencapsulation rather than by chemical means (Board Action Item).
  9. EnergySolutions’ request for an exemption from R313-25-9(5) of the Utah Administrative Code. (Informational Item Only)
    1. EnergySolutions presentation.
    2. Heal Utah presentation in response to EnergySolutions’ request for an exemption from R313-25-9(5) of the Utah Administrative Code.
  10. Other Business.
    1. Misc. Information Items.
    2. Scheduling of next Board meeting.
  11.  Adjourn.
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