Payson City Corporation Solid Waste Facility Fact Sheet: Class V Landfill

January 2004

Facility Owner

Payson City Corporation
439 West Utah Avenue
Payson, Utah 84651

Facility Operator

Payson City Corporation
439 West Utah Avenue
Payson, Utah 84651

Property Owner


Facility Location

Township 9 S, Range 1 E, Section 14 & 15, The site is located approximately 2.5 miles west of Payson city center on Utah Avenue (State Road 147) Utah County.

Remaining Capacity

  • Acres: 32
  • Tons: 770,560
  • Cubic Yards: 2,201,600
  • Years: 75

Waste Accepted

Non-hazardous solid waste that may include municipal solid waste, commercial waste, industrial waste, construction and demolition waste, and special waste as defined in UAC R315-301. The permittee may accept conditionally exempt small quantity generator hazardous waste as specified in UAC R315-303-4(7)(a)(i)(B) and PCB’s as specified by UAC R315-315-7(2).

Waste Excluded

Hazardous waste as defined by UAC R315 1 and R315 2 or PCB’s as defined by UAC R315-301-2(53), except as allowed in Section IB (Acceptable Waste) of this permit.

Permit Effective Date

January 15, 2004

Facility Contact

Glade Robbins or Kent Fowden
439 West Utah Avenue
Payson, Utah 84651
Phone: (801) 465-5235
Fax: (801) 465-5208

DEQ Contact

Bryan Woolf ([email protected])
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
PO Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Telephone: (385) 454-8060

Local Health Department

Utah County Health Department
Phone: (801) 851-7000

Facility Documents


For more information, please contact Brian Speer ([email protected]) at (385) 459-0010.

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