September 1, 2009 Groundwater Permit Renewal Application:
White Mesa Uranium Mill:
Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc.



Permits, Licenses, Statement of Basis, Plans and Related Reports

  1. State of Utah Ground Water Discharge Permit No. UGW 370004 (3 MB)
  2. State of Utah Radioactive Materials License No. UT 1900479
  3. 2004 Statement of Basis for a Uranium Mill Facility at White Mesa (12 MB)
  4. Reclamation Plan White Mesa MIll Blanding, Utah (46 MB)
  5. UMETCO Minerals Corporation: White Mesa Mill Drainage Report (41 MB)

Background Groundwater Quality reports and Related Studies

  1. Revised Background Groundwater Quality Report: Existing Wells for Denison Mines (USA) Corp’s White Mesa Mill Site (46 MB)
  2. Revised Addendum: Evaluation of Available Pre-Operational & Regional Background Data (33 MB)
  3. Revised Addendum: Background Groundwater Quality Report: New wells for Denison Mines (USA) Corp’s White Mesa Mill Site, San Juan County, Utah (168 MB)
  4. Summary of Work Completed, Data Results, Interpretations & Recommendations for the July 2007 Sampling Event (4 MB)

Environmental Reports and Analyses

  1. Environmental Report, White Mesa Uranium Project San Juan County, Utah, January 30, 1978 (5 MB)
  2. Final Environmental Statement Related to Operation of White Mesa Uranium Project Energy Fuels Nuclear, Inc., 1979 (14 MB)

Engineering, Geological and Hydrogeological Reports

  1. Groundwater Study, White Mesa Facilities, 1993 (3 MB)
  2. Hydrogeological Evaluation of White Mesa Uranium Mill, July 1994 (12 MB)
  3. Evaluation of Potential for Tailings Cell Discharge (2 MB)
  4. Update to Report Investigation of Elevated Chloroform Concentrations in Perched Groundwater (7 MB)
  5. Hydraulic Testing at the White Mesa Uranium Mill Blanding, During July 2002 (2 MB)
  6. Letter Report dated August 29, 2009 (3 MB)
  7. Perched Monitoring Well Installation and Testing at the White Mesa Uranium Mill April-June 2005 (24 MB)
  8. Site Hydrogeology and Estimation of Groundwater Travel Times in The Perched Zone White Mesa Uranium Mill Site, August 27, 2009 (10 MB)

Plans and Specifications Relating to Construction and Operation of the Mill’s Tailing Cells

  1. Engineers Report: Tailings Management System (6 MB)
  2. Engineer’s Report: Second Phase Design – Cell 3 Tailings Management Systems (6 MB)
  3. Construction Report: Initial Phase – Tailings Management System, February 1982 (6 MB)
  4. Construction Report: Second Phase Tailings Management Systems, March 1983 (19 MB)
  5. Cell 4 Design, White Mesa Project, April 10, 1989 (27 MB)
  6. Construction Report: Tailings Cell 4A, White Mesa Uranium Mill – Tailings Management System, August 2000 (14 MB)
  7. Cell 4A Lining System Design Report for the White Mesa Mill, January 2006 (21 MB)
  8. Cell 4A Construction Quality Assurance Report, July 2008 (205 MB)

Documents Relating to the Chloroform investigation at the Site

  1. Preliminary Corrective Action Plan, August 20, 2007 (24 MB)
  2. Preliminary Contamination Investigation Report, November 20, 2007 (12 MB)
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