Department of Environmental Quality

Summit County Solid Waste Facility Fact Sheet: Henefer Class IVb Landfill

September 2019

Facility Owner

Summit County

Facility Operator

Summit County

Property Owner


Facility Location

Southeast 1/4 of Section 33, T4N, R4E, SLB & M, Summit County, Utah.  It is  located between Harris and Anderton Canyons; 1.5 miles northeast of Henefer.

Remaining Capacity

  • Acres: 10
  • Tons: N/A
  • Cubic Yards: 382,000
  • Years: 8.2

Waste Accepted

Non-hazardous construction/demolition waste; yard waste; inert waste; and waste tires.

Waste Excluded

Hazardous Waste; PCB’s; except construction/ demolition waste containing PCB’s; asbestos; small quantity generator hazardous waste; household waste (except waste resulting from the abatement, rehabilitation, renovation and remodeling of homes and other residences); Municipal Waste; special waste (except as specified in this permit); commercial waste; and industrial waste for treatment, storage, or disposal at the landfill.

Permit Effective Date

September 11, 2019, through September 10, 2029

Facility Contact

Tim Loveday
Summit County Landfill Manager
1755 South Hoytsville Road
Coalville, UT 84017
Phone: (435) 336-3970

DEQ Contact

Matthew Sullivan (
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
PO Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Telephone: (385) 454-8012

Local Health Department

Summit County Health Department
P.O. Box 128, Coalville, Utah, 84017
Phone: (435) 336-3278

Facility Documents


For more information, please contact Brian Speer ( at (385) 459-0010.

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