The Tooele Army Depot North (TEAD N) is located in north-central Utah. TEAD N is located in the Tooele Valley approximately two miles south of the city of Tooele and 35 miles southwest of Salt Lake City on about 27,000 acres of land. Approximately, 400 people work at TEAD N including 15 military and 385 civilian workers. The mission of TEAD N is conventional ammunition storage, maintenance and demilitarization. One thousand and twenty-eight acres of the Depot were transferred in December 1998 to the Tooele Redevelopment Agency under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) program. It was one of the first to be transferred nationwide under the early transfer option of Section 334 of Public Law 104-201. Currently, TEAD N has Hazardous Waste Storage, Incineration, Subpart X Munitions Process and Open burn and open Detonation Permit. (not the official copy)
The Compliance History for TEAD N lists the violations identified during inspections and the resolution reached.
Tooele Army Depot North Environmental phone number is (435) 833-3235.
The Open Burn/Open Detonation operation is current under interim permit status (RCRA Part A has been submitted). Currently, there are 58 active Solid Waste Management Units (SWMUs) at TEAD N.
TEAD’s Part B Permit
- Signature Page
- Table of Contents
- Definitions
- Module I—Standard Permit Conditions
- Module II—General Facility Conditions
- Module III—Storage in Containers
- Module IV—Incineration
- Module V—Miscellaneous Munitions Processing Operations
- Module VI—Open Burn and Open Detonation (OB/OD)
- Module VII-Corrective Action Program for Solid Waste Management Units Schedule of Compliance
- Appendix VII-A-RCRA Facility Investigation
- Appendix VII-B-Corrective Measures Study and Implementation
- Appendix VII-C-Federal Facilities Agreement
- Module VIII-Post-Closure Care and Land Use Controls for SWMUs
- Appendix VIII-A-Post-Closure Monitoring, Inspection, and Maintenance Plan for SWMUs
- Module IX-SWMU 58 Corrective Measures Program
- Appendix IX-A-Groundwater Management Area Map
- Module X-Groundwater Monitoring Program
- Appendix X-A-Tooele Army Depot – North Monitoring Well System
- Appendix X-B-Monitoring Well Location Maps
- Attachment 1—General Facility Description
- Attachment 2—Waste Analysis Plan
- Attachment 3—Security Procedures
- Attachment 4—Inspection Plan
- Attachment 5—Training Plan
- Attachment 6—Preparedness and Prevention Plan
- Attachment 7—Contingency Plan
- Attachment 8—Closure Plan
- Attachment 9—Containers
- Attachment 10—APE 1236 Drawings
- Attachment 11—Incinerator Shut Down Procedures
- Attachment 12—Particulate Generation Factors
- Attachment 13—Process Control Equipment
- Attachment 14—System Description
- Attachment 15—Continuous Emissions Monitor System (CEMS)
- Attachment 16—Open Burning/Open Detonation Operation
- Attachment 17—OB/OD Treatment Effectiveness
- Attachment 18— Pull Apart Drawings
- Attachment 19— Hydrolysis System Description
- Attachment 20—Hydrolysis System Drawings
- Attachment 21—Hydrolysis System Instrument List
- Attachment 22—QAPP
- Attachment 23-Regulatory History of TEAD-N
- Attachment 24-Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs)
- Attachment 25-Inspection Form for the IWL and On-Depot Ditches
- Attachment 26-Sanitary Landfill / Pesticide Disposal Area Inspection Form
- Attachment 27-General Post-Closure Site Inspection Checklist – Industrial Closure/Industrial Use Sites
- Attachment 28-General Post-Closure Site Inspection Checklist – Landfill Sites
Comments or Questions
Gabrielle Marinick ( (385) 499-0172