March 2019
Facility Owner
San Juan County
Facility Operator
San Juan County
Property Owner
Facility Location
Township 39 south, Range 22 east, Section 3, 4, 9, 10 The site is located approximately 15 miles south of Blanding, Utah.
Remaining Capacity
- Acres: 27.4
- Tons: 473,668
- Cubic Yards:1,146,895
- Years: 37
Waste Accepted
Non-hazardous solid waste that may include, municipal solid waste, commercial waste, industrial waste, construction/demolition waste, and special waste as defined in UAC R315-301. The landfill may accept conditionally exempt small quantity generator hazardous waste as specified in UAC R315-303-4(7)(a)(i)(B) and PCB’s as specified by UAC R315-315-7(2).
Waste Excluded
The landfill may not accept hazardous waste as defined by Subsection 19-6-102(9) of the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act and UAC R315-2-3.
Permit Effective Date
March 15, 2019
Facility Contact
Jed Tate
Phone: (435) 678-3070
DEQ Contact
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
PO Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880
Phone: (801) 536-0200
Local Health Department
Phone: (435) 637-3671
Facility Documents
For more information, please contact Brian Speer ([email protected]) at (385) 459-0010.