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2024-2025 Contest

- October 16 – Deadline to submit posters online
- October 25 – State voting begins
- November 1 – State voting ends
- November 25 – Winners announced
Winners will receive cash awards and be entered into the national contest!
- Four state contest winners in each grade category will receive $100 cash, and so will their teachers!
- Categories: Grades 4-5, Grades 6-7, Grades 8-9, Grades 10-12
- Two runners-up will also get $100 each, along with their teachers
Children ages 9-18 can enter
Judging criteria
- Information accuracy
- Visual communication of the topic
- Ability to reproduce
- Originality
Submission requirements
- Submit poster via online form
- Take a clear, straight photo or scan the poster
- File size must not exceed 25 MB. Accepted file formats: jpg, jpeg, png, tif, pdf
- White paper
- Preferred sizes are 11” X 17” – OR – 8.5” X 11”
- No student names on the front of the poster–can put name on the back of poster
- Include a title on the front
- Topic and title must be on the artwork
- Posters can be created with crayon, markers, paint, pencil, photographs or computer graphics
- Cannot use copyrighted logos or content – will be immediately disqualified
Tips for creating your poster
Poster topics—Choose from five topics
- What is radon?
- Where does radon come from?
- How does radon get into our homes?
- Radon can cause lung cancer.
- Test your home for radon.
Tips for a good poster
- A good poster will make people STOP, READ, REMEMBER and TAKE ACTION.
- Read the rules/guidelines carefully and follow the directions.
- Be sure that the information that you put on the poster is correct.
- Do some research about Radon. Go to Radon.Utah.Gov to learn more about what radon is and where it comes from.
- Posters can be created with crayon, colored pencils, markers, paint, collage, photographs, or computer graphics.
- If you use photographs be sure that they are focused and appropriate photographs (makes it easier to recognize)
- When using computer graphics, do not use copyrighted logos (will be eliminated)
- Think of your poster as a billboard advertisement on this topic.
- THINK & BE CREATIVE. Come up with a catchy idea or ideas.
- Start out by drawing or sketching your idea or ideas onto a regular piece of paper.
- Ask adults to critique your ideas and tell you what they think.
- GREEN, RED, BLUE or black letters look best on white paper.
- Use short phrases instead of long sentences.
- Do not use different colors for each word or letter. It makes it hard to read.
- Do not draw tiny or put too many drawings on your paper – Less is better!
- Programa de radón – Concurso anual de pósters: Concurso de carteles de radón 2019/2020
- Formulario de Obras de Arte – Concurso de Carteleras de Radón para Niños
Eleanor Divver ([email protected]), Radon Coordinator: (801) 536-0091