R313-70-7 License Categories and Types of Fees for Radioactive Materials Licenses

Radioactive Material All Current Fees

(1) Special Nuclear Material

(1)(a) Possession and use of special nuclear material in sealed sources contained in devices used in industrial measuring systems, including x-ray fluorescence analyzers and neutron generators

  • Annual Fee: $2960.00

(1)(b) Possession and use of less than 15 grams special nuclear material in unsealed form for research and development

  • Annual Fee: $2960.00

(1)(c) All other special nuclear material licenses

  • Annual Fee: $1,600.00

(1)(d) Special nuclear material to be used as calibration and reference sources

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(2) Source Material

(2)(a) Licenses for concentrations of uranium from other areas (i.e. copper, phosphates, etc.) for the production of uranium yellow cake (moist, solid)

  • Annual Fee: $4,810.00
  • Review Fees: $125.00 per hour

(2)(b) Licenses for possession and use of source material in extraction facilities such as conventional milling, in-situ leaching, heap leaching, and other processes including licensees authorizing the possession of byproduct material (tailings and other wastes) from source material extraction facilities, as well as licenses authorizing the possession and maintenance of a facility in a standby mode, and licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in Section 19-3-102, from other persons for possession and disposal incidental to the disposal of the uranium waste tailings generated by the licensee’s milling operations.

  • Review of licensing or permit actions, amendments, environmental monitoring reports, and miscellaneous reports for uranium recovery facilities: $125.00 per hour

2(b)(i) Uranium mills in operational or standby status

  • Monthly Fee: $29,120.00

2(b)(ii) Uranium mills in closure status

  • Monthly Fee: $10,760.00

(2)(c) Licenses that authorize the receipt of byproduct material, as defined in Section 19-3-102, from other persons for possession and disposal

  • Application Fee:
  • Monthly Fee: $10,760.00

(2)(d) Licenses for possession and use of source material for shielding.

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(2)(e) All other source material licenses.

  • Annual Fee: $5,100.00

(3) Radioactive Material Other than Source Material and Special Nuclear Material

(3)(a)(i) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of radioactive material for processing or manufacturing of items containing radioactive material for commercial distribution

  • Annual Fee: $11,840.00

(3)(a)(ii) Other licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for processing or manufacturing of items containing radioactive material for commercial distribution

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(3)(b) Licenses authorizing the processing or manufacturing and distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, or sources or devices containing radioactive material

  • Annual Fee: $11,840.00

(3)(c) Licenses authorizing distribution or redistribution of radiopharmaceuticals, generators, reagent kits, or sources or devices not involving processing of radioactive material

  • Annual Fee: $4,000.00

(3)(d) Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for industrial radiography operations.

  • Annual Fee: $10,240.00

(3)(e) Licenses for possession and use of sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is not removed from its shield (self-shielded units)

  • Annual Fee: $3,760.00

(3)(f)(i) Licenses for possession and use of less than 10,000 curies of radioactive material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes

  • Annual Fee: $6,960.00

(3)(f)(ii) Licenses for possession and use of 10,000 curies or more of radioactive material in sealed sources for irradiation of materials in which the source is exposed for irradiation purposes

  • Annual Fee: $13,920.00

(3)(g) Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material that require device review to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(3)(h) Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material or quantities of radioactive material that do not require device evaluation to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19, except for specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons exempt from the licensing requirements of R313-19

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(3)(i) Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material that require sealed source or device review to persons generally licensed under R313-21, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed under R313-21

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(3)(j) Licenses to distribute items containing radioactive material or quantities of radioactive material that do not require sealed source or device review to persons generally licensed under R313-21, except specific licenses authorizing redistribution of items that have been authorized for distribution to persons generally licensed under R313-21

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(3)(k) Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for research and development, which do not authorize commercial distribution

  • Annual Fee: $3,760.00

(3)(l) All other specific radioactive material licenses

  • Annual Fee: $2,080.00

(3)(m) Licenses of broad scope for possession and use of radioactive material and for research and development which do not authorize commercial distribution

  • Annual Fee: $11,840.00

(3)(n) Licenses that authorize services for other licensees, except licenses that authorize leak testing or waste disposal services which are subject to the fees specified for the listed services

  • Annual Fee: $1,680.00

(3)(o) Licenses that authorize services for leak testing only

  • Annual Fee: $640.00

(4) Radioactive Waste Disposal

(4)(a) Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste radioactive material from other persons for the purpose of commercial disposal by land by the licensee

  • Siting Application: Actual cost up to $250,000.00
  • License Application: Actual cost up to $1,000,000.00
  • Renewal: Actual cost up to $1,000,000.00
  • Pre-licensing and operations review and consultation on commercial Low-level radioactive waste facilities: $125.00 per hour
  • Review of commercial low-level radioactive waste disposal and special projects. Applicable when the licensee and the Division agree that a review be conducted by a contractor in support of the efforts of Division staff: Actual cost
  • Review of topical reports submitted by a licensee or manufacturer to certify waste casks for transportation or disposal: $125.00 per hour
  • Generator Site Access permits: see Other Fees for Services R313-70-9:

(4)(b) Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of waste radioactive material from other persons for the purpose of packaging or repackaging the material. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material

  • Annual Fee: $11,040.00

(4)(c) Licenses specifically authorizing the receipt of prepackaged waste radioactive material from other persons. The licensee will dispose of the material by transfer to another person authorized to receive or dispose of the material

  • Annual Fee: $4,400.00

(4)(d) Licenses authorizing packing of radioactive waste for shipment to waste disposal site where licensee does not take possession of waste material

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(5) Well Logging, Well Surveys, and Tracer Studies

(5)(a) Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for well logging, well surveys, and tracer studies other than field flooding tracer studies

  • Annual Fee: $8,400.00

(5)(b) Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for field flooding tracer studies

  • Annual Fee: $4,000.00

(6) Nuclear Laundries

(6)(a) Licenses for commercial collection and laundry of items contaminated with radioactive material

  • Annual Fee: $2,380.00

(7) Human Use of Radioactive Material

(7)(a) Licenses for human use of radioactive material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices

  • Annual Fee: $1,280.00

(7)(b) Other licenses issued for human use of radioactive material, except licenses for use of radioactive material contained in teletherapy devices

  • Annual Fee: $4,400.00

(7)(c) Licenses of broad scope issued to medical institutions or two or more physicians authorizing research and development, including human use of radioactive material, except licenses for radioactive material in sealed sources contained in teletherapy devices

  • Annual Fee: $11,840.00

(8) Civil Defense

(8)(a) Licenses for possession and use of radioactive material for civil defense activities

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(9) Power Source

(9)(a) Licenses for the manufacture and distribution of encapsulated radioactive material wherein the decay energy of the material is used as a source for power

  • Annual Fee: Actual Cost

(10) General License

(10)(a) Measuring, gauging and control devices as described in R313-21-22(4), other than hydrogen-3 (tritium) devices and polonium-210 devices containing no more than 10 millicuries used for producing light or an ionized atmosphere.

  • Fee Per Registration Certificate: $100.00

(10)(b) In Vitro Testing

  • Fee Per Registration Certificate: $100.00

(10)(c) Depleted Uranium

  • Fee Per Registration Certificate: $100.00

(10)(d) Reciprocal recognition as provided for in R313-19-30, of a license issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and Agreement State or a Licensing State.

  • Initial Filing Application: Annual fee for license category listed in R313-70-7(1) through (10), per 180 days in one calendar year

Radioactive Material Program Proposed Fee Changes

DWMRC is proposing to increase Radioactive Material (RAM) Program fees to ensure fees cover the cost of the RAM program and to add an additional full-time employee (FTE). The additional FTE is to improve turnaround times of licensing actions to provide better customer service to RAM licensees. DWMRC values the input of stakeholders regarding these changes. The table below summarizes current fees and proposed fees per license type.

License TypesLicense CategoriesCurrent FeeProposed Fee
Other Source Material(2)(e)$5,100$7,650
Broad Scope(3)(a), (3)(m), (7)(c)$11,840$17,760
Nuclear Pharmacy(3)(b)$11,840$17,760
Industrial Radiography(3)(d)$10,240$15,360
Sealed Sources for Irradiation(3)(f)(ii)$13,920$20,880
Research and Development(3)(k)$3,760$5,640
Gauges / In Vitro and Veterinary / Source Storage and Rad Assay(3)(l)$2,080$3,120
Service, Calibration, Decommissioning, and Packaging(3)(n)$1,680$2,520
Packaging or Repackaging of Radioactive Waste(4)(b)$11,040$16,560
Well Logging(5)(a)$8,400$12,600
Human Use(7)(b)$4,400$7,700
General Licenses(10)(a), (10)(b), (10)(c)$100$150

Last Updated:


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