The annual emissions inventory is one means used by the state to assess the level of pollutants released into the air from various sources. A group of common air pollutants regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are called criteria air pollutants; these pollutants were determined based on their health and/or environmental effects. The second group of pollutants included in this series of tables are the hazardous air pollutants. This inventory summarized emissions for both criteria pollutants and hazardous air pollutants.
State Summary
This table lists all counties in Utah, with the breakdown of their criteria pollutant emissions by source: Area, Non-Road Mobile, On-Road Mobile, Biogenics, Wildfires, and Point sources. Criteria pollutants are those for which National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) have been established. The term “criteria pollutant” originates from the fact that standards are based on information published in air quality criteria documents. Criteria pollutants addressed in these tables are: CO, NOx, PM10, PM2.5, SOx, and VOCs.
- State Summary—County Detail & State Summary (11/22/10)
Simple pie charts of the statewide contribution of various emission sources upon criteria pollutants. (updated 11/22/10)
- All Criteria Pollutants
- Carbon Monoxide: CO
- Nitrous Oxides: NOx
- Particulate Matter <10 microns: PM10
- Particulate Matter < 2.5 microns: PM2.5
- Sulfur Oxides: SOx
- Volatile Organic Compounds: VOC
Point Sources Summary
Point Sources include stationary industrial sources and portable equipment (crushers, asphalt plants, etc.) which may move among several counties during a given year. The table includes individual point sources by their county location, as well as a total of all point source emissions within the county.
- Point Sources—County Details (11/22/10)
- Point Sources—County Summary (11/22/10)
Area and Non-Road Mobile Summaries
These tables list the individual area emission sources by county. Area sources include non-road mobile and stationary sources too small or too numerous to be treated as individual point sources. Additionally, these emissions include biogenic sources which comprise the natural area sources of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and carbon monoxide (CO) such as forest, vegetation and soils, as well as wildland fires.
- Aircraft (09/27/10)
- Area Sources (11/30/10)
- Biogenics
Emissions from this category are calculated by EPA. The most recently available data provided was calculated for 2002. - Locomotives (09/27/10)
- Miscellaneous Non-Road Engines (09/27/10)
- Non-Road Mobile Summary (09/27/10)
Includes aircraft, locomotives, miscellaneous non-road. - Wildfires
Calculated from the combined data from several federal land management agencies (BLM, Forest Service, etc).
On-Road Mobile Summary
This table lists the emissions from highway vehicles by county.
Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAPs)
This table lists the chemicals or chemical classes widely considered to be toxic, as reported to UDAQ by stationary industrial (Point) sources. These toxic pollutants might cause cancer or have other adverse health effects. By the year 2000, all of the 188 currently defined HAPs are scheduled to have emission standards established.
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