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2020:Statewide Emissions Inventories

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The annual emissions inventory is one means used by the state to assess the level of pollutants released into the air from various sources.

Inventory Data

The data posted on this site will include only the latest version of the 2020 Emissions Inventory. This webpage should not be used as a reference for past versions of the Inventory and users wanting a record of data used in their analysis should archive and document those inventories to meet their own archival needs. Users should not assume that the data posted on this site will stay the same as the data they use at any given point in time.


  • 2020 Emissions data provided in tons/year 
    This data is provided as a basic informational resource for the general public. Data use, adjustments, summations, and inferences are the responsibility of the receiving organization and should not be portrayed to represent the Division of Air Quality. New in the 2020 Inventory: some emissions previously found in the Nonroad sector are now called “EPA Point Source”. A few of them list a Facility Identifier (Column D). This refers to the EPA facility identifier in the National Emissions Inventory.

    Biogenic emissions dropped from 2017 to 2020 primarily due to an updated model and inputs. EPA calculates these emissions, and updated their Biogenic Emission Inventory System from BEIS3.61 to BEIS4, and their Biogenic Emissions Landuse Database from BELD5 to BELD6. Updates included changes to where vegetation and associated biogenic emissions are located in Utah based on new landuse characterization, and improved characterization of leaf area index and other biogenic emissions parameters from meteorological datasets. In Utah, these updates resulted in a decrease in biogenic emissions relative to the previous version used in 2017. Wildfire emissions increased from 2017 to 2020 as there were comparatively more wildfire events in 2020 than 2017. Volatile chemical products (VCPs) in the area source sector are calculated using the VCPy framework in the 2020 NEI, resulting in increased VOCs from this sector in 2020 relative to 2017. Additionally, the 2020 data will reflect emissions during the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, and users should assess how representative this data is for Utah.

    Please contact us ([email protected]) with any questions regarding the data.


[email protected]

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