Department of Environmental Quality

Programs Index

Air Quality Programs

  • Air Monitoring Program
    Responsible for operating and maintaining an ambient air monitoring network that protects the health and welfare of the citizens of Utah.
  • Air Quality Employer Based Trip Reduction
  • Air Quality Research Program
    To improve scientific understanding of the complex conditions that lead to poor air quality within Utah, the 2014 State Legislature awarded $1 million in one-time funding to DAQ for air quality research.
  • Asbestos Program
    Monitors the proper handling, disposal, rules, and policies dealing with asbestos in Utah.
  • Burn Permit Application
    An Open Burn Permit is required prior to igniting an open fire.
  • Choose Clean Air
    Information on air quality, health, seasonal air conditions, and more.
  • Clean Diesel Program
    Cost effective solutions that can dramatically reduce pollutants from diesel exhaust.
  • Clean Fuels Program
    Information on the Clean Fuel Grant and Loan Program, as well as the Clean Fuel Vehicle Tax Credit.
  • Emissions Inventory Program
    The emissions inventory is one means used by the state to assess the level of pollutants released into the air from various sources.
  • Exceptional Events Program
    The normal planning and regulatory process established by the Clean Air Act is not appropriate for some exceptional events.
  • Lead-Based Paint Program
    Establishes procedures and requirements for the accreditation of training programs for lead-based paint activities and renovations, procedures, and requirements for the certification of individuals and firms engaged in lead-based paint activities and renovations, and work practice standards for performing such activities.
  • Modeling Program: Air Quality
    Modeling is used to estimate the effectiveness of control programs and determine if they are worth the cost of implementation.
  • Air Quality Online Complaint Form
  • Permitting: Air Quality
    DAQ is responsible for issuing permits for any operation that emits any contaminant into the air.
  • Planning Branch: Air Quality
    Responsible for developing plans rules that set requirements on air emissions for both individuals and industry in Utah.
  • Statewide Emissions Inventory Program
    The emissions inventory is one means used by the state to assess the level of pollutants released into the air from various sources
  • Stationary Source Compliance
    Major and Minor Source Compliance sections are responsible for ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met.
  • Storm Water Permit and Fugitive Dust Control Plan Application
    Provides online filing of storm water permits and fugitive dust plans.
  • Today’s Air Quality
    Current air quality conditions along the Wasatch Front.
  • Uintah Basin
    Increased oil and gas development in the Uintah Basin have led to environmental issues regarding air quality, water quality, and management of drilling wastes.
  • UtahAir App for Android | iOS
    Free smartphone app that delivers real-time air quality information.

Business Assistance Programs

  • BizHelp
    Provides Utah companies with resources for improving their long-term environmental performance, increasing regulatory compliance, and obtaining required environmental permits.
  • Federal State Revolving Fund Program
    Division of Drinking Water administers this program.
  • Healthy Hospitals Initiative
    Developed in a collaborative effort with the national Practice Greenhealth program and Utah Hospitals and Health Systems Association to focus on eliminating the use of mercury.
  • Online Business Registration (OneStop)
    State of Utah’s OneStop Online Business Registration System.
  • Permitting Guided Tour (Permit Wizard)
    A tool designed to assist individuals and companies involved in activities regulated by DEQ to identify the permits, licenses, registrations, and certifications required for those activities.
  • Permits
    Access to information and links to DEQ’s permitting system.
  • Small Business Environmental Assistance Program
    Helps small businesses with permitting assistance, emission calculations, technical issues, regulator interpretation, and pollution prevention techniques.

Drinking Water Programs

Environmental Response and Remediation Programs

Waste Management and Radiation Control Programs

Radiation Control Programs

Waste Management Programs

  • Biennial Reports
    All large quantity hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in the State are required to submit a hazardous waste generation and management report to the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control every even year by March 1.
  • Hazardous Waste Generators
    The DWMRC provides an outreach program for small businesses that generate less than 2,200 pounds of hazardous waste per month.
  • Hazardous Waste Management Program
    The DWMRC oversees the practices of the hazardous waste generators in Utah.
  • Hazardous Waste Permitting and Compliance
    Individuals who treat, store, or dispose of hazardous waste must comply with a permit.
  • Recycling Program
    Information on e-waste, recyclers, responsible consumers, and safely recycling electronics.
  • Solid Waste Program
    The DWMRC administers permitting and compliance programs for non-hazardous solid waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities throughout the state.
  • Used Oil Program
    Protects the public and the environment from exposure to contamination caused by the improper treatment, storage, and disposal of used oil.
  • Waste Tire Program
    Administers permitting and compliance programs for non-hazardous solid waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities throughout Utah.

Water Quality Programs

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