How to Interpret Monitoring Results
The Water Quality Interpretation Tool developed by USU Extension Services allows users to enter their water quality data online and receive interpretation of those data pertaining to drinking water, irrigation water, livestock water, and environmental water state standards.
Ratings List
The Division of Drinking Water assigns a rating (e.g. “Approved”,”Not Approved”) to each public water system in the state. This rating is based on the system’s condition and performance. You may determine your water system’s rating by going to Water System Ratings.
Consumer Confidence Reports
Each year, every community water system must provide their customers with a Consumer Confidence Report (CCR). This document is intended to provide consumers with an overview of their drinking water system. Data on bacteriologic and chemical quality is also provided. Contact your local water supplier directly for a copy of their report. Some water suppliers provide their CCRs on the web. For background information see Consumer Confidence Report Preparation.
Emergency Preparedness
Will you have safe water available during an emergency? Get more information on how to prepare for any interruption of water service.
Utah Drinking Water Quality Standards
There are State standards for over 100 potential chemical and bacteriologic contaminants in drinking water. For example, the maximum allowable level for nitrates in drinking water is 10 milligrams per liter.
What If I Have Special Health Needs? (US EPA)
People who have HIV/AIDS, are undergoing chemotherapy, take steroids, or for another reason have a weakened immune system may be more susceptible to microbial contaminants, including Cryptosporidium, in drinking water.
How Much Water Should I Drink?
No information available at this time.
Signs of Common Water Quality Problems (US EPA)
Does your water have a funny odor, taste or appearance? The EPA provides a general guide to help determine the cause of problems with your water that can be felt, smelled, tasted, or seen. In some cases, these symptoms may indicate a serious problem — in others, only the taste and smell of tap water (its aesthetics) may be affected, not its safety. If you have a serious problem, particularly if it also affects your neighbors, see what to do In An Emergency.
Waterborne Disease
Water supplies in the United States are among the safest in the world. However, the possibility of waterborne disease always exists. Recognizing Waterborne Disease is a Website that is primarily intended for health care professionals. It may, however, be informative to consumers who want to get an overview of public health issues related to water supply. Registration is required.
Do You Have Your Own Private Water Supply?
The great majority of Utahns get their water from a public water system. Some, however, are served by private, individual wells or springs. These private supplies are not regulated by the Utah Division of Drinking Water. However, local health departments may have rules regarding private supplies. For advice on safeguarding a private water supply, see Private Drinking Water Wells (US EPA).
Certified Laboratories
Want to get your water tested? Review a Consumer Confidence Report.
Bottled Water
Bottled water in Utah is regulated by the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food.
Fluoridating Drinking Water in Davis and Salt Lake Counties
Salt Lake and Davis counties have ordinances mandating the fluoridation of their drinking water supplies.
Safe Drinking Water Hotline
Have questions on national drinking water issues? Call the Safe Drinking Water Hotline at (800) 426-4791. The Hotline offers information and assistance to the public. A contractor operates the Safe Drinking Water Hotline under US EPA’s direction.
Drinking Water Kid’s Stuff (EPA)
Try out some games and activities to help children learn about drinking water.