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June 3, 2020 Agenda: Air Quality

Meeting Materials

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  1. Call-to-Order
  2. Date of the Next Air Quality Board Meeting: August 5, 2020
  3. Approval of the Minutes May 6, 2020, Board Meeting.
  4. Propose for Final Adoption: R307-101-3. General Requirements. Version of the Code of Federal Regulations Incorporated by Reference; R307-210. Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; R307-214. National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; R307-405-2. Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD). Applicability; and R307-410. Permits: Emission Impact Analysis. Presented by Liam Thrailkill.
  5. Propose for Final Adoption: Repeal R307-165. Emission Testing. Reenact R307-165. Stack Testing. Presented by Liam Thrailkill and Sarah Foran.
  6. Propose for Public Comment: R307-150. Emission Inventories. Presented by Liam Thrailkill, Catherine Williams, Sheila Vance, and Cate Youatt.
  7. Propose for Public Comment: R307-101-2. General Requirements: Definitions. Presented by Liam Thrailkill and Becky Close.
  8. Propose for Public Comment: R307-401. Permits: New and Modified Sources, R307-415-9. Permits: Operating Permits Requirements: Fees for Operating Permits, and R307-801. Utah Asbestos Rule: Purpose and Authority. Presented by Liam Thrailkill, Alan Humphreys, and David Beatty.
  9. Informational Items.
    1. R307-422. Permits: Emission Offset Requirements in PM2.5 Maintenance Areas Update. Presented by Becky Close.
    2. Recent Progress in Air Quality Modeling. Presented by Chris Pennell.
    3. Air Toxics. Presented by Leonard Wright.
    4. Compliance. Presented by Harold Burge and Rik Ombach.
    5. Monitoring. Presented by Bo Call.
    6. Other Items to be Brought Before the Board.
    7. Board Meeting Follow-up Items.

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