Department of Environmental Quality

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March 4, 2020 Agenda: Air Quality

Meeting Materials

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  1. Call-to-Order
  2. Date of the Next Air Quality Board Meeting: April 1, 2020
  3. Approval of the Minutes for the November 20, 2019, December 4, 2019, Board Meetings and January 8, 2020, Working Lunch.
  4. Propose for Final Adoption: SIP Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Parts B, Davis County, and Part E, Weber County; R307-110-32. Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part B, Davis County; and R307-110-35. Section X, Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program, Part E, Weber County. Presented by Mat Carlile Propose for Final Adoption: SIP Subsection IX.A.28: PM2.5 Maintenance Provisions for Logan, UT-ID; and Amend R307-110-19. Section IX, Control Measures for Area and Point Sources, Part A, Fine Particulate Matter. Presented by Becky Close.
  5. Propose for Final Adoption: R307-401. Permit: New and Modified Sources. Presented by Liam Thrailkill and Alan Humpherys.
  6. Propose for Public Comment: Repeal R307-165. Emissions Testing. Reenact R307-165. Stack Testing. Presented by Liam Thrailkill and Sarah Foran.
  7. Propose for Public Comment: R307-101-3. General Requirements. Version of the Code of Federal Regulations Incorporated by Reference; R307-210. Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; R307-214. National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants; R307-405-2. Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas (PSD). Applicability; and R307-410. Permits: Emission Impact Analysis. Presented by Liam Thrailkill.
  8. Propose for Final Approval: Five-Year Review for R307-302. Solid Fuel Burning Devices. Presented by Liam Thrailkill.
  9. Informational Items.
    1. Air Toxics Presented by Leonard Wright.
    2. Compliance Presented by Harold Burge and Rik Ombach.
    3. Monitoring Presented by Bo Call.
    4. Other Items to be Brought Before the Board.
    5. Board Meeting Follow-up Items.

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