UDAQ is currently developing the Northern Wasatch Front (NWF) Serious State Implementation Plan (SIP) for the 2015 8-hour ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard. The following tabs contain the technical support documentation (TSD) pertaining to the development of the SIP and associated administrative rules. These are draft documents and are subject to change.
- 2022 87 FR 5435 Ozone NSR
- 2022 37FR60903 Ozone Moderate DAAD
- 2021 86FR35404 Baseline Inventory Approval
- 2018 83FR25776 Ozone Marginal DAAD
- 2015 Ozone Implementation Rule
- 2008 Ozone Implementation Rule Federal Register
- EPA Response to Utah Designation Recommendation
- EPA Support Document for Response to Designation Recommendation
- NWF Moderate Designation 179B(b) Demonstration Final
- NWF Serious Designation 179B(b) Demonstration
NWF NAA Boundary Adjustment
All Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) submissions are currently under review and in draft format. The denoted date is the date received. RACTs are being reviewed based on the most current submission.
- ATLAS_Molded_Products_RACT_Submitted_12-19-2024
- Atlas_Molded_Products_UPDATED_RACT_Submitted_4-1-24[1]
- Big_West_Oil_Refinery_RACT_Submitted_1-2-24
- Big_West_Oil_LLC_Refinery_UPDATED_RACT_Submitted_4-16-24[1]
- Central_Valley_Water_Reclamation_Facility_RACT_Submitted_12-5-23[1]
- Chevron_Products_Company_Refinery_RACT_Submitted_1-2-24[1]
- Chevron_Products_Company_Refinery_UPDATED_RACT_Submitted_5-2-24[1]
- Compass_Minerals_Inc_Ogden_Plant_RACT_Submitted_1-2-24[1]
- Easton_Technical_Products_RACT_Submitted_12-28-23[1]
- Hexcel_Corporation_RACT_Submitted_1-2-24[1]
- HF_Sinclair_RACT_Submitted_12-28-23[1]
- Hill_Air_Force_Base_RACT_Submitted_12-29-23[1]
- Kennecott_Utah_Copper_Mine,_Concentrator,_Smelter,_and_Refinery_RACT_Submitted_12-29-23[1]
- LHoist_North_America_Grantsville_Facility_RACT_Submitted_1-2-24[1]
- Murray_City_Power_RACT_Submitted_4-24-24[1]
- Northrop_Grumman_Systems_Corp_Clearfield_RACT_Submitted_11-1-23[1]
- Pacificorp_Gadsby_Power_Plant_RACT_Submitted_1-9-24[1]
- Pioneer_Investments_-_Phillips_66_Company_RACT_Submitted_12-14-23[1]
- Tesoro_Refining_and_Marketing_Company_LLC_dba_Marathon_Refinery_RACT_Submitted_4-8-24[1]
- University_of_Utah_RACT_Submitted_12-28-23[1]
- US_Magnesium_RACT_Submitted_7-1-24
- Utah_Municipal_Power_Agency_West_Valley_Power_Plant_RACT_Submitted_12-21-23[1]
- Westinghouse_Electric_Company_LLC_RACT_Submitted_3-15-24[1]
- Non-Road Baseline and Episodic Ozone Inventory_Serious SIP TSD
- Area Source Inventory_Serious SIP TSD
- 2026 Summer Enhanced Performance Standard Modeling_Serious SIP TSD
- 2026 On-Road Projected Ozone Inventory_Serious SIP TSD
- 2017 On-Road Episodic Ozone Inventory_Serious SIP TSD
- 2017 Base Year_Serious SIP TSD
The objective of this project is to create a verified list of facilities and inventory of air emissions that comply with the criteria set forth in Maricopa County Rule 327 for commercial composting processes. Specifically, at DAQ, we aim to identify qualifying sources in the Northern Wasatch Front Ozone Nonattainment Area (NWFNAA) and assess the emissions from these facilities. This will include facilities operating in Utah, Salt Lake, Tooele, Weber and Davis counties. The air emissions data to be collected include volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and ammonia, which contribute to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), as well as nitrogen oxides (NOx).
This project seeks to understand the potential emissions reductions that could result from implementing a Rule in the NWFNAA similar to Maricopa County’s Rule 327. By identifying sources and quantifying their emissions, we can gain insights into:
- The impact of a Rule on reducing ozone formation
- The cost effectiveness of the rule within our airshed
- The contribution of emissions reductions to meet the Reasonable Further Progress (RFP) goals required for our Ozone State Implementation Plan (SIP) by the Clean Air Act
Ryan Bares ([email protected])