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HB70 CNG Retrofits: Clean Fuels Program

The Utah State Legislation passed HB70 during the 2010 general legislative session. This bill addresses the retrofitting of vehicles to operate on compressed natural gas. Specifically the bill requires:

  • the vehicle retrofitted shall be inspected by a CSA America CNG fuel system inspector to meet NFPA 52 code;
  • the vehicle retrofitted shall pass the emission standards of the county it registered or the most lenient emissions standards if the vehicle is in a county with no emissions standards;
  • the person who performs a retrofit shall certify to the owner of the vehicle that the retrofit does not tamper with, circumvent, or otherwise affect the vehicle’s on-board diagnostic system; and,
  • the owner shall have the retrofit inspected by a CSA America CNG fuel system inspector the sooner of the following:
    • every three years after the retrofit; or,
    • every 36,000 miles after the retrofit; and,
    • after any collision occurring at a speed of greater than five miles per hour.

The bill also provided that a retrofit compressed natural gas vehicle is in compliance with certain requirements, which satisfies fleet requirements as a clean fuel vehicle. The bill also prohibits a retrofit compressed natural gas vehicle from receiving a clean fuel vehicle tax credit.

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