During the 2019 General Legislative Session, the State Legislature appropriated $4.9 million to be used as an incentive for the installation of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) throughout the State. The EVSE Incentive Program allows businesses, non-profit organizations, and other governmental entities (excluding State Executive Branch agencies) to apply for a grant for reimbursement of up to 50% of the purchase and installation costs for a pre-approved EVSE project. Funds can be used for the purchase and installation of both Level 2 or DC fast charging EVSE.
Eligible Entities
- Registered business in the State of Utah that have a business license or other document demonstrating the proposed EVSE Location is a place of work for your employees. This includes Multi-Family facilities with on-site employees.
- Non-profit entities defined under Title 26 US Code Section 501(c) in the State of Utah, or
- Government entities in Utah, such as local governments or higher education institutions. However, agencies within the Executive Branch of the State are not eligible to participate in this program.
Eligible Equipment
Eligible Equipment will include both Level 2 or DC fast charging EVSE.
Eligible entities may receive reimbursement for EVSE costs and some costs associated with EVSE installation. Costs that will not be eligible for reimbursement include operational, warranty, cloud service or networking, permit fees, bonds, engineering and design, real estate purchases or rent for EVSE, capital costs (construction of buildings, parking facilities, etc), or general maintenance.
Eligible Funding
For businesses and non-profit organizations
50% of the cost to purchase and install eligible light-duty EVSE with a $75,000 maximum reimbursable amount for businesses and non-profit organizations.
For government entity-owned property
50% of the cost to purchase and install eligible light-duty EVSE with a maximum level to be determined by DAQ.
EVSE project shall be completed and fully operational on or before two years from the approval date of the preliminary application. No retroactive projects, applicants must get preapproval of their project. We will reimburse projects for actual eligible costs incurred by the applicant, which are spent after pre-approve of the project.
How to Apply for Funds
There are three steps in the process to obtain a grant.
Step 1: Complete an application
First, all applicants must complete an Application for Funding Assistance. Preliminary approval will determine if the proposed project is allowed and if there are adequate funds for the proposed project. Once the project has been reviewed and approved, the applicant will be notified of the status of the application. The applicant will have two years from the date of approval of the preliminary application to complete the project. Please be prepared to provide the following information in your application:
- Entity Name
- Contact Person
- Phone Number
- Address
- Requested Grant Amount
- Proposed location of the EVSE Project(s)
- Proof that the applicant has alerted the electric utility provider of their EVSE project (e.g., a date and time-stamped email). Applicants whose facility does not have sufficient electric power infrastructure to support the proposed EVSE charging equipment that wants to include upgrade costs as part of their application will need a description of the system upgrades to support the proposed project and a bid from the electric utility provider to accompany the application.
- Vendor Account Forms
- Obtain and submit a formal bid and Minimum Bid Template from at least two qualified vendors. At a minimum, the bids must include:
- the EVSE cost,
- installation cost, and
- electrical system upgrades (if deemed necessary for the project).
Please note that if you are separating the costs of your project (e.g. a separate vendor for the equipment (EVSE), installation, or electrical system upgrades) you will need to provide at least two bids for each cost. For example, if you are dividing the costs of equipment and installation we will need at least two bids for the equipment and two bids for the installation. In addition, all bidding vendors will need to complete the template found on page 7 of the application.
The following is an example:
- Both vendors should provide separate bids and have both complete the required template
- Equipment from ACME Corporation
- Installation from ABC Electric
- The vendor should provide a combined bid and complete the required template for installation and equipment
- Equipment from Central Electric
- Installation from Central Electric
Updated 12/7/2021
Application is required to apply for funding
Step 2: Submit the completed application and required attachments
Submit your application and required documentation to ev@utah.gov After you submit your application and required documents, DAQ will review the application and respond to you with one of the following notifications:
- Pre-approved: This notice will indicate that the DAQ has encumbered money for the proposed EVSE project. In the application the applicant will agree to the terms and conditions of the program, including that the applicant will be reimbursed after the EVSE has been installed. The notice will also list all of the documents needed to receive reimbursement. (See below).
- More Information Needed: If the application is not complete the DAQ will request that the applicant provide the needed information.
- Denial: If the DAQ decides not to fund the EVSE project for any reason. The notice of denial will include the reason for denial.
- Pending: If the DAQ need to place an application on hold for any reason we will send a notice to the applicant explaining the reason and the estimated length of time until a final discussion can be made.
Step 3 Submit the required documentation for final approval and request for reimbursement.
Once the EVSE has been completely installed and commissioned the applicant will need to submit the following items and request reimbursement for the eligible project costs:
- A final purchase invoice for each EVSE, installation, maintenance, and other itemized actual costs in which the applicant requested funding in the EVSE Funding Assistance Application. The invoice shall include:
- the invoice date;
- the itemized purchase cost for each item or service listed in the competitive bid; and
- the applicant as the purchaser;
- Proof of payment;
- A photo of the EVSE funded by this funding assistance and placed into service;
- A site map showing the location of the EVSE funded by this funding assistance; and
- The date the EVSE was placed into service.
Questions about the Workplace EVSE Funding Assistance Program should be directed to Mat Carlile (ev@utah.gov): (385) 306-6535.