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Community Water Systems Serving Greater than 3,300 Persons – Information Needed by March 1, 2019, to Set System-Specific Source and Storage Minimum Sizing Requirements

Two Options for Providing Required Information by March 1, 2019, for Setting System-Specific Minimum Sizing Requirements

Community water systems serving over 3,300 people are required to submit information by March 1, 2019, for setting system-specific minimum sizing requirements (contacts for assistance [256 KB]). Below are two options for submitting the required information:

1. Provide Three or More Years of the Data Required by Utah Code 19-4-104

If a water system has three or more years of the required data (Annual Average Demand, Peak Day Source Demand, Total Number of Retail Residential Connections, Quantity of Non-Revenue Water), provide it to the Division of Water Rights (DWRi) prior to March 1, 2019. This can be done when a DWRi representative visits the water system to assist in water use data reporting for 2018. As long as a water system provides this information to DWRi by March 1, 2019, it will have met the reporting requirement of Utah Code 19-4-114(1)(c).

2. Prepare an Engineering Study in Place of Providing Three or More Years of Data

If a water system does not have three or more years of the required data or believes that the data are not representative of future water use, it may submit an engineering study (or acceptable historical data) to the Division of Drinking Water (DDW) that proposes system-specific source and storage sizing requirements based on available water use data and an engineering analysis. As long as a water system provides an engineering study to DDW by March 1, 2019, it will have met the reporting requirement of Utah Code 19-4-114(1)(c). For guidance on preparing an engineering study, see Section IV in Detailed Guidance for Water Use Data Reporting and Setting System-Specific Minimum Sizing Requirements.

What if A Water System Needs Additional Time to Prepare the Required Data or Engineering Report?

If a water system does not have the ability to accurately obtain the required data (such as peak day demand) and is unable to prepare an engineering study, the water system is encouraged to contact DDW and to enter into a compliance agreement to establish a schedule to comply with the data reporting or engineering study requirement. To avoid being assessed deficiency points, a water system should enter into a compliance agreement with DDW prior to the March 1, 2019, reporting deadline.

Consequences of Not Submitting Required Information by March 1, 2019

  1. A water system that fails to meet the March 1, 2019, statutory reporting deadline by following either of the two options listed above will be in violation of Utah Code 19-4-114(1)(c). DDW will assess administrative deficiency points to a water system that fails to submit the necessary information by March 1, 2019, for establishing system-specific minimum sizing requirements per 19-4-114(1)(c).
  2. Please be aware that Utah Code 19-4-114(1)(a) requires DDW to establish system-specific minimum sizing requirements if a community water system serving over 3,300 people submits plans for “substantial addition or alteration” after March 1, 2019. Therefore, DDW’s review of plans for “substantial addition or alteration” projects cannot be completed until it receives the required “information necessary to establish the system-specific sizing standards.” (See Page 41 of the detailed guidance for the DDW’s interpretation of “substantial addition or alteration” projects.)

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