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Crouse Reservoir Recreational Monitoring

Crouse Reservoir is located on Diamond Mountain, north of Vernal in Uintah County. DEQ’s recreational water quality monitoring checks for two health concerns: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Waterborne Pathogens (E. coli). Find the most recent monitoring information below.


December 2, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

Recreational water quality monitoring has ended for the season. Monitoring will resume in summer 2025. A harmful algal bloom may still be present at this waterbody. Know what to look for and check before recreating.

September 11, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Crouse Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Crouse Reservoir:

September 4, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Crouse Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Crouse Reservoir:

August 1, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Crouse Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Crouse Reservoir:

July 22, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: Monitoring partners saw visible signs of a harmful algal bloom at Crouse Reservoir. There could be algae in the water producing dangerous toxins.

If you visit, we recommend:

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