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Matt Warner Reservoir Recreational Monitoring

Matt Warner Reservoir is located on Diamond Mountain, north of Vernal in Uintah County. DEQ’s recreational water quality monitoring checks for two health concerns: Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs) and Waterborne Pathogens (E. coli). Find the most recent monitoring information below.


December 2, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

Recreational water quality monitoring has ended for the season. Monitoring will resume in summer 2025. A harmful algal bloom may still be present at this waterbody. Know what to look for and check before recreating.

September 30, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Matt Warner Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Matt Warner Reservoir:

September 11, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Matt Warner Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Matt Warner Reservoir:

September 4, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Matt Warner Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Matt Warner Reservoir:

July 30, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Matt Warner Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Matt Warner Reservoir:

July 23, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: A harmful algal bloom is present at Matt Warner Reservoir. Algae in the water may be producing dangerous toxins that can make humans and animals sick. 

The TriCounty Health Department has issued a WARNING ADVISORY. 

If you visit Matt Warner Reservoir:

July 22, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: Our monitoring team saw visible signs of a harmful algal bloom at Matt Warner Reservoir. There could be algae in the water producing dangerous toxins. We collected samples and results are pending. Check back here for updates.

In the meantime we recommend:

Know how to recognize a harmful algal bloom

Do not swim or water ski in areas of algae

Avoid areas of algae when boating

Clean fish well and discard guts

Keep animals away

Don’t drink the water

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