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Salem Pond Recreational Monitoring

Caution when swimming icon. Boating is safe icon. Caution when eating fish icon.
Caution when swimming icon. Boating is safe icon. Caution when eating fish icon.


August 23, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: Harmful algae mats are still present in some areas of Salem Pond. Brown and green mats were observed accumulating along the shoreline and floating on the water. These mats may be producing toxins that can hurt humans and animals.

If you visit Salem Pond, we recommend:

  • Do not swim or play in areas with floating algae mats
  • Keep animals away
  • Clean fish well and discard guts
  • Don’t drink the water

August 19, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: Harmful algae mats are still present in some areas of Salem Pond. Brown and green mats were observed accumulating along the shoreline and floating on the water. These mats may be producing toxins that can hurt humans and animals.

If you visit Salem Pond, we recommend:

  • Do not swim or play in areas with floating algae mats
  • Keep animals away
  • Clean fish well and discard guts
  • Don’t drink the water

July 18, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: Harmful algae mats are still present in some areas of Salem Pond. Brown and green mats were observed accumulating along the shoreline and floating on the water. These mats may be producing toxins that can hurt humans and animals.

If you visit Salem Pond, we recommend:

  • Do not swim or play in areas with floating algae mats
  • Keep animals away
  • Clean fish well and discard guts
  • Don’t drink the water

July 1, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

BE CAREFUL: Our monitoring team confirmed the presence of harmful algae mats at Salem Pond. Brown and green mats were observed accumulating along the shoreline and floating on the water. These mats may be producing toxins that can hurt humans and animals.

If you visit Salem Pond, we recommend:

  • Do not swim or play in areas with floating algae mats
  • Keep animals away
  • Clean fish well and discard guts
  • Don’t drink the water

June 17, 2024: Harmful algal bloom (HAB) monitoring update

GOOD NEWS: Our monitoring team did not see any visible signs of a harmful algal bloom. Learn more about harmful algal blooms.

Site visited: South arm, Knoll Beach

May 23, 2024: Waterborne pathogen (E. coli) monitoring update

GOOD NEWS: E. coli counts were measured below Utah Department of Health recreational thresholds. Sampling suggests that the water is safe from harmful bacteria and viruses.

Site sampled: south arm of the pond, Knoll Beach

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