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Understanding E.coli in the San Juan Watershed

The Division of Water Quality worked with Animas Environmental Services to conduct an E. coli analysis in the San Juan River watershed. The study relied on existing monitoring data collected under EPA-approved quality assurance project plans. The consultant made the following recommendations based on its data analysis:

  • Create a multijurisdictional protocol for collecting, assembling, and sharing E. coli datasets.
  • Develop a regional or watershed E. coli quality assurance planto improve watershed-wide data analysis. 
  • Conduct further statistical analysis to support or disprove a possible correlation between E. coli exceedances and the summer season.
  • Use microbial source tracking in areas that experience chronic E. coli exceedances.
  • Expand monitoring and analysis in waterways with one or more E. coli exceedances under the quantification limit or one or more concentrations at the quantification limit.
  • Identify any additional community wastewater systems that may contribute to E. coli loading in the watershed.

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