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November 13, 2015 Agenda: Drinking Water Board

Meeting Materials

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Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order – Chairman Hansen
  2. Roll Call – Ken Bousfield
  3. Approval of the Minutes:
    1. September 1, 2015
  4. Financial Assistance Committee Report
    1. Status Report – Michael Grange
    2. Project Priority List — Michael Grange
    3. SRF Applications
      1. STATE:
        1. Duchesne City – Rich Peterson
        2. Trenton Town – Julie Cobleigh
        3. Piute County SSD – Greenwhich – Gary Kobzeff
        4. Dagget Co. – Dutch John – Gary Kobzeff
      2. FEDERAL:
        1. West Erda – Extension – Julie Cobleigh
        2. Interlaken – Nathan Hall
        3. Wooden Shoe Water Co. – Julie Cobleigh
      3. OTHER
        1. Mendon City
  5. Authorization to Proceed with Rulemaking Actions:
    1. Request to Adopt Amendments to R309-520, Facility Design and Operation: Disinfection – Bernie Clark
    2. Request to Adopt Amendments to R309-500-6, Facility Design and Operation: Plan Review Operation and Maintenance Requirements, Plan Approval Procedure – Bernie Clark
    3. Request Authorization to Initiate Rule Revisions for adoption of the Revised Total Coliform Rule (federal effective date April 1, 2016):
      1. R309-105, Administration: General Responsibilities of Public Water Systems,
      2. R309-110, Definitions,
      3. R309-200, Drinking Water Standards,
      4. R309-210, Distribution System Monitoring Requirements,
      5. R309-211, Monitoring and Water Quality: Distribution System Monitoring Requirements,
      6. R309-215, Treatment Plant Monitoring Requirements.
      7. R309-220, Public Notification Requirements, and
      8. R309-225, Consumer Confidence Reports. – Patti Fauver
  6. Rural Water Association Report – Dale Pierson
  7. Directors Report
    1. Drinking Water board’ 2016 Meeting Schedule
    2. Cross Connection Control Commission Appointments
    3. ASDWA Annual Conference Report
  8. Other
  9. Next Board Meeting
    Date: Friday, January 8, 2016
    Time: 1:00 pm
    Place: Multi Agency State Office Building
    Room 1015
    195 North 1950 West
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
  10. Adjourn

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