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September 1, 2015 Agenda: Drinking Water Board

Meeting Materials

ADA Notice

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals with special needs (including auxiliary communicative aids and services) should contact LeAnn Johnson ([email protected]. ), Office of Human Resources at (385) 226-4881, Telecommunications Relay Service 711.

Meeting Agenda

  1. Call to Order – Chairman Hansen
  2. Roll Call – Ken Bousfield
  3. Approval of the Minutes:
    1. July 10, 2015
    2. August 20, 2015
  4. Financial Assistance Committee Report
    1. Status Report – Michael Grange
    2. Project Priority List — Michael Grange
    3. SRF Applications
      1. FEDERAL:
        1. Elsinore Town – Gary Kobzeff
        2. Fillmore City – Julie Cobleigh
  5. Authorization to Proceed with Rulemaking Actions:
    1. Request to Adopt Amendments to R309-550-10, Facility Design and Operation: Transmission and Distribution Pipelines, Water Hauling – Bernie Clark
    2. Request to Begin Rulemaking to Amend R309-520, Facility Design and Operation: Disinfection – Bernie Clark
    3. Request to Begin Rulemaking to Amend R309-500-6, Facility Design and Operation: Plan Review, Operation and Maintenance Requirements, Plan Approval Procedure – Bernie Clark
  6. Rural Water Association Report – Dale Pierson
  7. Directors Report
    1. Gold King Mine spill report
    2. Tax Review Commission meetings report
    3. Water Development Commission meeting report
    4. Public Fee Hearing
  8. Other
  9. Next Board Meeting
    Date: Friday, November 13, 2015
    Time: 1:00 pm
    Place: Multi Agency State Office Building
    Room 1015
    195 North 1950 West
    Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
  10. Adjourn

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