The Municipal Wastewater Planning Program (MWPP) uses an annual survey to assist owners of municipal sewerage systems and wastewater treatment works in evaluating and summarizing the technical, operational, and financial conditions of and requirements for these facilities. The purpose of MWPP is to help communities understand these business operations better and to help identify and resolve potential problem areas before they become serious and costly.
At the beginning of each year, the Division of Water Quality distributes the MWPP survey to over 200 municipalities and districts. These utilities compile the necessary financial, operations, performance, and compliance information requested from the previous year and report their completed surveys to their governing council or board and to the Division.
The Division uses the results from the MWPP in its permitting and assistance programs, including:
- Utah Sewer Management Program Annual Report
- Utah Wastewater Operator Certification Program
- Wastewater Financial Assistance Program
- Water Quality Board Financial Sustainability Assessments
- Financial Needs Report to EPA and Congress
Who Must Participate?
Participation in the MWPP survey is mandatory for all:
- Utilities that own or operate a sanitary sewerage system
- Utilities that have received financial assistance (loans, grants, etc.) from the Water Quality Board or the Community Impact Board
All other systems are strongly encouraged to participate.
2025 MWPP Survey – Due by April 15, 2025
The 2025 Municipal Wastewater Planning Program (MWPP) Survey is distributed and completed online. A notification email will be/was sent to the Primary Contact for each facility with instructions about how to complete the 2025 MWPP Survey.
What should I expect?

DWQ’s contact person on file for your utility and for the MWPP survey will be sent an email with a link to the MWPP Survey. If the person that receives the email is no longer the primary facility contact person, they should either forward the email to the person who is, or you may contact and let DWQ know who needs to get the survey forms.
- The 2025 MWPP Survey has be distributed on the internet by email notification on February 6, 2025. A link to Frequently Asked Questions about completing the survey will be included.
- If you are expecting a survey request but have not received it, please notify DWQ (
- The due date for the survey is April 15, 2025.
- If DWQ receives a bounced email, we will contact your facility to update the primary contact information.