A MS4 is defined as a conveyance or system of conveyances (including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, man-made channels, or storm drains). It also is used to describe the owner/operator of that system. Each MS4 has their own operator that is responsible for maintaining and controlling pollutants that enter their system. Here is a list of permitted MS4 Operators within the State of Utah: Utah Permitted MS4 Operator List
Any permitted MS4 operator is regulated under UPDES permits listed below. Depending on the entity type and implementation date, these MS4 permits are split into two categories: Individual or General. Individual permits have guidelines that are tailored to a specific MS4 Operator. General permits have standard guidelines that cover many MS4 Operators. In Utah, Individual MS4 Permittees include: Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, and Utah Department of Transportation. Salt Lake County is covered under the Jordan Valley Municipalities Permit with many co-permittees. Small MS4 General permittees include: any Small MS4 Operator in Utah not covered under the other permits.
Salt Lake County and Jordan Valley Municipalities
- Jordan Valley Municipalities (MS4) Permit No. UTS000001
- Modified permit effective August 16, 2023, and expiring February 25, 2025.
- Permit Fact Sheet and Statement of Basis
- Response to comments
- Notice of Termination for UPDES Permit UTS000001
Salt Lake City
- Salt Lake City MS4 Permit No. UTS000002
- Modified permit effective August 16, 2023, and expiring June 21, 2026.
- Fact Sheet and Statement of Basis
- Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) MS4 Permit No. UTS 000003
- Modified permit effective August 16, 2023, and expiring August 30, 2026.
- Fact Sheet and Statement of Basis
- Response to Comments
Resources (Specific to Individual MS4s)
- Annual Report Form
The MS4 Annual Report Form has been developed by EPA to obtain various MS4 program data. It was updated in 2024 to include the E. coli TMDL Compliance Plan. If you find you need additional space for your responses, please use Section 11, Additional Information. - Individual MS4 Permit Application
An individual MS4 Permit Application should be submitted to the DWQ for coverage under the UPDES permit program.
Small MS4 General Permit
- General Permit for Discharges from Small Ms4s-UTR090000
- Modified general permit effective August 16, 2023, and expiring May 11, 2026.
- Fact Sheet and Statement of Basis
NeTMS4 Permit Management
Small MS4 Permit management has moved into NeTMS4, hosted through the EPA’s Central Data Exchange (CDX) platform. Small MS4 Permittees will manage their permits and submit annual reports through NeTMS4 beginning in 2024.
See below for help files and presentations that include useful information for setting up and managing your account in CDX.
- Helpful Resources
- Permittees who are managing their permits in NeTMS4 should follow the EPA’s training presentation slides below, as it contains crucial information regarding how to set up your account in NeTMS4, and how to gain access to your permit. You may also gain access to a recording of this presentation by contacting Jake Nguyen at [email protected].
- If you need help creating an account in CDX, then you should follow the help file below to create your account.
- If you already have an account in CDX, such as a MS4 Regulatory Role for NeTCGP, then you should follow the help file below to add a role for NeTMS4 instead of making a new CDX account.
- If you need help submitting your Annual Reports, then you should follow the help files below to submit your Annual Reports. Annual reports are due for all Small MS4 permittees by October 1 of each year.
Need help?
State Permitting Help Desk
For help creating or managing your permits
General Resources
- New MS4 Coordinators Resource Guide
- Development of Utah’s Small MS4 Storm Water Retention Standard
- EPA’s Green Infrastructure Real-world solutions from EPA’s Green Infrastructure Technical Assistance Program.
- EPA’s MS4 Website EPA’s MS4 website includes information on the MS4 program, stormwater management program, fact sheets and other resources.
- Guide to Low Impact Development within Utah
Includes information on calculating and retaining the 80th percentile storm, best management practices, project documentation, storm water integration at the jurisdictional and project level, and a discussion of local case studies. - International Stormwater BMP Database For best practices in stormwater management, go to the International Stormwater BMP Database website.
- Measureable Goals Guidance for Phase II Small MS4s EPA’s fact sheet on the six minimum control measures for small MS4 owners/operators.
Resources for Jordan River E. coli TMDL Implementation
General Fact Sheets
- EPA’s Stormwater Phase II Fact Sheet Series EPA’s fact sheet series includes information on minimum control measures and permitting resources.
- Best Management Practices for Snow Storage
- Best Management Practices for Discharging Swimming Pool and Hot Tub Water
- Best Management Practices for the Discharge of Water from Fire Suppression Systems
- DWQ Guidance for Calculation of 80th Percentile Storm Event
- DWQ Guidance for Floor Drain Discharges from Public Water Well Houses & Pump Houses
- DWQ Guidance for Storm Water Drainage Wells & the MS4 Permit
What does it mean to be a Phase I or Phase II MS4?
In 1990, EPA established Phase I of the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) stormwater program. The Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) is the Utah version of NPDES, which is the permit system mandated by § 402 of the Clean Water Act to control pollutants in waters of the U.S., including storm water. The Phase I program for MS4s requires operators of medium and large MS4s (generally those that serve populations of 100,000 or greater) to implement a stormwater management program as a means to control polluted discharges from these MS4s.
The Phase II Rule extends coverage of the UPDES stormwater program to certain small MS4s that are located within an urbanized area of more than 50,000 population. A small MS4 is any MS4 not already covered by the Phase I program. The Phase II Rule automatically covers on a nationwide basis all small MS4s located in urbanized areas, and those small MS4s located outside of those areas that the State of Utah designates.
Jeanne Riley
[email protected]
(801) 536-4369
Municipal Storm Water
Kelsee York
[email protected]
(385) 260-2760
Construction Storm Water
Jordan Bentley
[email protected]
(385) 552-0539
Industrial Storm Water
Jordan Bryant
[email protected]
(385) 272-4894
Stormwater Specialist
Carl Adams
[email protected]
(385) 382-6685
Stormwater Database
[email protected]
(801) 536-4300