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UPDES NeT Program Services for eReporting

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Questions about Utah’s Storm Water Program

  • permit requirements
  • permit data entry
  • permit changes
  • terminations
  • permissions or payments


The Utah Division of Water Quality will utilize EPA’s NeT Tools to meet the electronic reporting requirements of the eReporting Rule. The requirements are outlined in the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Electronic Reporting Rule which will modernize Clean Water Act (CWA) reporting for municipalities, industries, and other facilities.

For more information on eReporting Rule, see EPA’s NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule (Clean Water Act).

For questions, contact us at [email protected] or (801) 536-4300.

Stormwater Construction General Permit

Login to the EPA NeT Website


Construction General Permit (CGP)
Notice of Intent (NOI)

For projects disturbing 1 or more acres of land or that are less than 1 acre but part of a common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb 1 or more acres.


Common Plan Permit (CPP) 
Notice of Intent (NOI)

For a single residential lot disturbing less than 1 acre that is part of a common plan of development or sale that disturbs 1 or more acres.


Low Erosivity Wavier (LEW)

Waives the requirements for a NOI and SWPPP if the site is less than 5 acres and has a rainfall erosivity factor of less than 5.or sale that will ultimately disturb 1 or more acres.

What’s New

  • Users can update permit information directly in the application, such as:
    • change of owner
    • change of operator
    • site contact information
    • acreage
    • latitude and longitude
    • contact information updates
  • Permittees can designate preparers permission to enter and pay for permits in the application.
  • Reminder emails will be sent to any user with permissions when permit is approaching expiration.
  • Payment history is now available online.
  • Manage project lots for construction general permits in the application using the new bulk upload/download feature.
  • Low Erosivity Waiver available in same application.

What’s Planned

  • Cancellation and refund options in application.
  • Air Quality Fugitive Dust Control Plan information presented when user enters facility site county.
  • Electronic Check option for fee payment.


  • Lookup latitude and longitude from address
  • Water body dropdown or link to EPA ATTAINS Database.
  • Ability to reverse payment automatically and refund payee when permit cancelled in application.

Training Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request permissions to my existing permit?

Please login into the NeT application and find your permit using the search feature. Select the request permissions icon next to your permit. This will send your request to the Division of Water Quality who will authorize access. If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].

How do I cancel a Notice of Intent (NOI) and request a refund?

Please complete a Permit Cancellation Form (61 KB) and include your permit information, reason for the refund, your contact information including address and phone number and receipt if available. Submit your completed form through DWQ’s Web Submission Portal.

How do I get help if I am unable to login to the NeT Application?

Please contact EPA CDX Help Desk: (888) 890-1995

Municipality Administrative Access


  • MS4 Training Video


  • Ability for MS4s to change the designated MS4 for a permit
  • Ability for MS4s to authorize permit access or approve permit Change NOIs

Stormwater Industrial General Permit

Login to the EPA NeT Website to Apply for Permit Coverage or Exclusion


Industrial General Permit (MSGP)

For facilities with industrial activities listed in categories (i) -(ix) as defined in 40 CFR 112.26(b) (14)(i)-(xi) that discharge storm water runoff to a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) or waters of the State. For more information, see Stormwater Industrial Permitting Program.


No Exposure Certification (NEC)

For an industrial facility that opts for an exclusion from an Industrial Storm Water Permit by submitting a No Exposure Certification. A condition of no exposure exists when all industrial materials and activities are protected by a storm resistant shelter to prevent exposure to rain, snow, snow melt, and/or runoff.


No Discharge Certification (NDC)

For an industrial facility that does not discharge and wants to formally request an exclusion from obtaining an Industrial Storm Water Permit.

NeT MSGP Training Resources

What’s New

  • Users can update permit information directly in the application, such as:
    • change of operator
    • site contact information
    • latitude and longitude
    • contact information updates
  • Reminder emails will be sent to any user with permissions when permit is approaching expiration.
  • Payment history is now available online.
  • No Discharge Certification and No Exposure Certification available in same application.

What’s Planned

  • Submit Discharge Monitoring Data electronically through NeT application
  • Electronic Check option for fee payment


  • Lookup latitude and longitude from address
  • Water body drop down or link to EPA ATTAINS Database
  • Ability to reverse payment automatically and refund payee when permit cancelled in application

Training Resources

Coming Soon

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I request permissions to my existing permit?

Please login into the NeT application and find your permit using the search feature. Select the request permissions icon next to your permit. This will send your request to the Division of Water Quality who will authorize access. If you have any questions, please send an email to [email protected].

How do I cancel a Notice of Intent (NOI) and request a refund?

Please complete a Permit Cancellation Form (57 KB) and include your permit information, reason for the refund, your contact information including address and phone number and receipt if available. Submit your completed form through DWQ’s Web Submission Portal.

How do I get help if I am unable to login to the NeT Application?

Please contact EPA CDX Help Desk: (888) 890-1995

Stormwater MS4 General Permit

Login to the EPA NeT Website


MS4 General Permit

Submit your MS4 Annual Report electronically.
Coming soon

NeTCGP Municipality Administrative Access

MS4 Authority Role in NeTCGP

In NeTCGP, the MS4 Authority role has the ability to manage permits that fall within their jurisdiction as indicated by a permittee upon submission of the Notice of Intent form to the Division of Water Quality (DWQ).

MS4 Authority Account

An MS4 Account is ‘by invitation only’ as this is closed role on EPA’s Central Data Exchange. To request a user account invitation to register, contact your MS4 Administrator.

The MS4 Authority Administrator can manage access to their jurisdiction by granting user permissions and revoking user permissions. The Administrator will provide a new user with a form to request a Customer Retrieval Key (CRK) Notification email to invite the new user to register. The CRK Notification email will contain a link to set-up a Central Data Exchange (CDX) user account with the MS4 Authority Role. After login to NeTCGP, the use can request permissions to their MS4.

In NetCGP, the MS4 Authority role account can perform the following tasks:

  • manage the MS4 Authority role permissions including approve and revoke permissions for their jurisdiction.
  • access permits that were designated on NOI to be within the MS4 jurisdiction
  • receive notifications when a permittee submits a Notice of Termination to DWQ indicating that final stabilization conditions have been achieved at site.
  • After site inspection, the MS4 Authority role can finalize the termination of a permit in NeTCGP.


NeTCGP Training Video for MS4s

NeTCGP Planned Enhancements

Ability to export permits to a .csv file for jurisdiction

NeTCGP Wishlist

Ability for MS4s to change the designated MS4 for a permit
Ability for MS4s to authorize permit access or approve permit Change NOIs

Manual Submission

Manual Submission

Step 1

Complete Permit Form (NOI, NOT)

See forms below

Step 2

Payment info must be submitted with NOI. Skip Step 2 for NOT.

How to pay for Manual Submission

























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