Sandy Beach
Update August 6, 2018
E. coliadvisory remains in place at Sandy Beach on Utah Lake
Division of Water Quality (DWQ) crews collected E. coli samples at Sandy Beach on August 3, 2018. Concentrations from two out of the three samples exceeded the maximum E. coliconcentrations for Class 2A beneficial use. A Class 2A designation protects waters for frequent primary contact recreation where there is a high likelihood of ingestion of water or a high degree of bodily contact with the water. Examples include, but are not limited to, swimming, rafting, kayaking, diving, and water skiing.
DWQ monitoring crews will be in the area this week to collect harmful algal bloom (HAB) samples and will collect additional E. colisamples at that time.
Update August 2, 2018
E. coli advisory remains in place at Sandy Beach on Utah Lake
While samples collected at Sandy Beach by the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) on July 23, 2018, remained above the water-quality standard for E. coli, samples collected July 31, 2018, were below the standard. DWQ will collect samples over the next two weeks to confirm levels of E. coli at Sandy Beach. The advisory can be lifted if five samples collected over two weeks remain below the water-quality standard.
Update: August 1, 2018
E.coli advisory issued for Sandy Beach on Utah Lake
The Utah County Health Department (UCHD) has issued an advisory for Sandy Beach due to E. coli bacteria concentrations that exceeded the water-quality standard. UCHD posted advisory signs in the area on July 20, 2018.
Samples collected on July 17, 2018, showed E. coli concentrations above the maximum numeric criteria for a Class 2A beneficial-use designation and prompted follow-up monitoring by DWQ. The verification sample collected by monitoring crews on July 19, 2018, also exceeded water-quality standards for E. coli.
DWQ collects E. coli samples at Utah Lake’s Sandy Beach approximately once every two weeks during the routine sampling season running from May 1 to October 31.