Department of Environmental Quality

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Utah Waterfowl Advisories


In 2022, in cooperation with the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, the Utah Division of Water Quality obtained tissue samples from 16 species of waterfowl from wetland areas adjacent to Great Salt Lake which included the Salt Creek Public Shooting Grounds, Ogden Bay, Farmington Bay, and Harold Crane Wildlife Management Areas. This effort was intended to update waterfowl consumption advisories for mercury originally issued in 2005 and 2006 for three species of waterfowl from wetlands in the GSL (Common Goldeneye, Cinnamon Teal and Northern Shoveler).  Based on this data and recommendations from the Department of Health and Human Services, DWQ is removing consumption advisories for Cinnamon Teal and Northern Shoveler species as concentrations are below the advisory threshold of 0.3 ug/g.  The consumption advisory for the Common Goldeye will remain in place due to inadequate data to recommend its removal.  DWQ will work with DWR in obtaining the necessary information to fully evaluate the Common Goldeneye in the near future.

Public Health Action Plan

The Environmental Epidemiology Program of the Utah Department of Health and Human Services will continue to work with the Utah Department of Environmental Quality, the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, and local health departments on the development of waterfowl sampling and monitoring plans for Utah.

Consumption Advisories

The Environmental Epidemiology Program (EEP) completed a health consultation recommending that a consumption advisory for waterfowl harvested from the Great Salt Lake marshes be issued because of the elevated levels of mercury detected.

Common Goldeneye

Adults should eat no more than four 8-ounce meal per month. Children (6-16) and women of childbearing age should eat no more than one 8-ounce serving per month. Pregnant women and children <6 years old should not eat Common Goldeneye from Great Salt Lake marshes.

Utah Waterfowl Advisories: Common Goldeneye



Press Releases



Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Quality

P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4870
Phone: (801) 536-4300
Fax: (801) 536-4301

Utah Department of Health Environmental Epidemiology Program

P.O. Box 142104 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-2104
Phone: (801) 538-6191
Fax: (801) 538-6564

Utah Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife Resources

P.O. Box 146301 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-6301
Phone: (801) 538-4700
Fax: (801) 538-4745

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