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Westinghouse Electric Company (Western Zirconium)

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Public Notices

Westinghouse Electric Company’s Western Zirconium facility is located near Ogden, Utah.

Western Zirconium manufactures products for the commercial nuclear fuel industry and the military. Western Zirconium has interim status for on-site treatment and storage of production process wastes.


Western Zirconium submitted a Part B permit application for storage and treatment in October of 1994. Western Zirconium considered the submittal a protective filing. Western Zirconium operated under interim status (regulatory status prior to permit issuance) until late 2005 when the facility agreed to close the storage and treatment units. Western Zirconium is currently working with the Division in the development of closure plans for the burn out oven and hazardous waste storage pad. The goal is to complete closure of the units by September 30, 2008.

Corrective Action

In September of 2001 the Division completed A RCRA Facility Assessment of the Western Zirconium facility. Normally the next step, a RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI), is conducted as a requirement of a RCRA permit. Due to the ongoing evaluation of the need for a RCRA permit and with concerns over impacts to groundwater from the use of several unlined ponds at the facility, the Division drafted a Stipulation and Consent Order to provide a framework for initiating and conducting an RFI. The Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board approved the Order in January of 2002. The Consent Order became effective on January 23, 2002.

Western Zirconium submitted RFI Work Plans for conducting plant site and pond investigations. The work plan for the pond investigation was approved for implementation in September of 2002. A report of the first phase of the pond investigation was approved on October 23, 2003. Additional investigative work proposed in the report was approved on that date. A report of the second phase of the pond investigation was approved on June 2, 2005. Western Zirconium is currently working on developing a corrective measures study for the ponds.

The work plan for the plant site investigation was approved for implementation on May 15, 2003. Western Zirconium submitted the RFI Report for the plant site SWMUs in April of 2006. The Division has generated comments on the report and is working with the facility to resolve the identified concerns.

Based on the types of contaminants detected in the groundwater in the vicinity of the ponds, the Division is closely coordinating the facility corrective action with the Division of Water Quality and the Division of Radiation Control.

Comments or Questions

If you have any questions concerning compliance, permitting or corrective action at Western Zirconium, please contact Karen Wallner (kwallner@utah.gov)  at (385) 499-0218.

2024 Public Notices

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC

2018 Public Notices

Western Zirconium, Permit No. UGW570002

2013 Public Notices

Western Zirconium Draft Permit

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