| Agency/Organization | Project Title | Total Request | Total Award |
1. | Utah Division of Wildlife Resources | Engineering/Feasibility Plan for Bonneville Cutthroat Spawning Trap Design | $24,300 | $24,300 |
2. | Natural History Museum of Utah, University of Utah | Enhancing Habitat Quality for Seasonal Movement of Mule Deer within the Red Butte Creek Corridor in Research Park and Fort Douglas | $169,310 | $0 |
3. | Salt Lake City Corporation | Liberty Lake Restoration (Liberty Lake Enhancement) | $359,516 | $276,596 |
4. | Salt Lake City Corporation | Jordan River Corridor Restoration (Jordan River Trailside Enhancement and Improvement) | $1,095,234 | $355,000 |
5. | Salt Lake City Corporation | Miller Park Bird Refuge Restoration Project (Miller Park Bird Refuge Restoration and Enhancement Project) | $767,612 | $767,612 |
6. | Salt Lake City Corporation | 900 South Oxbow Restoration Project (900 South Oxbow Restoration and Enhancement Project) | $383,322 | $382,322 |
7. | Jordan River Commission | Best Practices for Riparian Corridor Conservation and Development | $349,000 | $275,000 |
8. | Salt Lake County Health Department | Air Sampling Training and Equipment (Emergency Response Air Sampling Training and Equipment) | $30,000 | $30,000 |
9. | Salt Lake County Watershed Planning and Restoration Program | Riparian Restoration and Streambank Stabilization on Red Butte Creek | $212,500 | $212,500 |
10. | Farmington Bay Water Fowl Management Area (FBWFMA) | Emergency Booms | $9,250 | $9,250 |
11. | Farmington Bay Water Fowl Management Area (FBWFMA) | Channel Clearing Proposal | $392,000 | $171,000 |
12. | Farmington Bay Water Fowl Management Area (FBWFMA) | Artificial Islands Proposal | $445,000 | $0 |
13. | Farmington Bay Water Fowl Management Area (FBWFMA) | Unit 1 Enhancement Proposal | $255,420 | $255,420 |
14. | Farmington Bay Water Fowl Management Area (FBWFMA) | J-Dike Proposal | $97,416 | $0 |
15. | Great Salt Lakekeeper | Enhancement of Watershed Cleanup Efforts Along Red Butte Creek and the Jordan River | $40,000 | $20,000 |
16. | Tracy Aviary | Riparian Corridor Enhancement (Watershed Outreach and Educational Program) | $300,000 | $130,000 |
17. | Salt Lake County Fish and Game Association | Miller Park/Bonneville Glen Red Butte Creek Restoration (Bonneville Glen Restoration and Enhancement on Red Butte Creek) | $382,000 | $90,000 |
| Total | | $5,311,880 | $3,000,000 |