Melting snowpack is causing Statewide concerns of potential flooding and the impacts to water quality, which relate to a number of programs and Permits that the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) oversees. Below are information and facts sheets that address requirements for various programs and permits administered by the DWQ that may be impacted by flooding.
In general, any unpermitted discharges to Waters of the State must be reported to the DEQ Spills Line: (801) 536-4123.
Fact Sheets and Information
State Operating Permits
State Operating Permits are issued to non-discharging lagoons, non-discharging facilities with land disposal, and facilities with subsurface discharges.
UPDES Individual Permits
Individual Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Permits are issued to Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants and Industrial Facilities that discharge to Surface Waters.
Construction Activities Permitted Under UPDES Permits
The below fact sheet is applicable to construction activities that are Permitted under a Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Construction General Permit (CPP).
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations
Our Partners at the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food (UDAF) worked with DWQ to develop general guidance for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) and Animal Feeding Operations (AFOs) that are dealing with high precipitation events and runoff. In general, if your CAFO/AFO has a discharge please report it to Don Hall: (801) 536-4492 or [email protected].
USMP SSO Requirements
The Sanitary Sewer General Permit for Operation of a Sewer Collection System, also known as the Utah Sewer Management Program (USMP) has reporting requirements for Sanitary Sewer Overflows (SSOs). Class 1 SSOs must be reported to the DEQ Spills Line: (801) 536-4123 within 24 hours. Please see the below fact sheet or the USMP Permit for more details on reporting requirements.
Snow Storage Best Management Practices for MS4s
Utah’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permits require that the Permittee minimize discharges to waters of the state associated with snow disposal and melt, as well as, develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for maintenance of snow disposal areas to ensure they are protective of water quality.
Helpful Resources
- Follow @UtahDEQ on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
- What to know about spring runoff
- Utah Division of Drinking Water
- Utah Division of Emergency Management
- Be Ready Utah
- Utah Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network
- Utah Risk Map
- Local Health Departments
- EPA Route to Resilience Tool for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities.
- Salt Lake County Flood Preparedness