This information is provided for reference purposes only. The links provided here are to businesses, government entities, geographic locations, for which the Division of Water Quality issued permits and associated public notices. Water Quality issues that are currently open for comment are available on the Public Notices page.
- A & J Swine, LLC
- A1 Lithium LLC
- Abandoned Mine NPS Plan
- Advanced Clean Energy Storage I, LLC (ACES I)
- Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
- AirGas-Nitrous Oxide Corporation
- Alpental Energy Partners
- Alton Coal
- American Chemical, LLC
- American Pacific Corporation
- Anderson Farms
- Andy Lewis Construction LLC
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- Arive Homes – Ranch Meadows Subdivision Project
- Ashley Valley Water Operating Facility
- Ashley Valley Water Reclamation Facility
- Asimpa, LLC
- ATI Titanium
- ATK Launch Systems
- Autoliv ASP Inc., Promontory Plant
- Barrick Resources (USA) Inc.
- Basin Western Inc.
- Bear Lake Garden City Ditch Maintenance
- Bear River City Corporation
- Beaver City
- Beryl Junction EcoDrum Treatment Facility
- Best Friends Animal Society
- Big West Oil Refinery
- Bird Homes, LLC
- Black Iron, LLC
- Blackstone Minerals, LLC
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah
- Blue Mountain Farms
- Blue Mountain Biogas
- Blue Sky Ranch and Resort
- Blue Water Resort
- Bluffdale
- BLX Mayflower LLC
- Bonneville Builders, L.C.
- Brian Head Collection System
- Brigham City
- Bronco Utah Operations, LLC
- CAFO (Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations)
- Cal-Maine-Foods
- Canyon Fuel Company, LLC – SUFCO Mine
- Canyonlands by Night
- Capitol Reef National Park
- Cargill Salt
- Casper’s Ice Cream, Inc.
- Castle Valley Special Service District
- Cedar City Water Reclamation Facility
- Centerfield Regional Culinary Water Treatment
- Central Davis Sewer District
- Central Weber Sewer Improvement District
- Central Valley
- Chamberlain Investment Company
- Chevron Pipeline Company
- Christensen Finisher Farm
- Circle Four Farms
- Clawson General Contracting
- Clayton Hodgson
- Clearfield Junction Apartments
- Coalville City Wastewater Treatment Facility
- Colorado River
- Compass Minerals Corporation
- Competitive Excavation Incorporated
- Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Facility (CAAPF) General Permit
- Consolidation Coal Company (Consol)
- Copper Canyon
- Coral Canyon Builders LLC
- Coral Junction Motor Coach Resort
- Corey Cattle Company
- Corinne City
- Cottonwood Wash and Dry and Recapture Lodge
- Courthouse Wash Water
- Craitian Development, LLC
- Crown Asphalt Ridge LLC
- CS Mining Construction
- D and S Dairy
- D.R. Horton Inc.
- Dal Global Services
- Dalton Finisher Farms
- Danish Flats
- DATS Trucking, Inc
- Davis County
- Davies Design Build
- Deep Creek Dairy
- Deer Creek Mine
- Deer Waters
- Delsco Northwest
- Delta Milk Company
- Desert Hawk Gold Corporation
- Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing
- Dirt Pro Excavating LLC
- Division of Wildlife Resources
- Drinking Water
- DRM Construction, Inc.
- Dry Creek Structures LLC
- Duchesne City Corporation
- Dugway Proving Ground
- Dustin Dastrup
- Dutch Cowboy Dairy
- Eagle Point Homes, LLC
- East Provo Golf Course Redevelopment
- Echo Reservoir and Rockport Reservoir
- Elberta Valley AG
- Elk Operating Services
- Emery Underground Mine (Formerly Consolidation Coal Company (Consol))
- Emery Valley Sewer, LLC
- Energy Fuels Resources
- Energy Queen Mine
- Energy West Mining Company
- Ensign Bickford Company
- EP Energy
- Ephraim City
- Eureka City
- Emery County Coal Resources (formerly Utah American Energy)
- Emigration Creek (Salt Lake County)
- Extell Development Company
- Fairview City
- Ferron Canal and Reservoir Company
- Ferron Main Street Market
- Fish: Solicitation for proposals to establish when early-life stages of fish are present in Utah waters
- Flowserve
- Fossil Rock Resources
- Francis City
- Fresenius Medical Care
- Garden City
- Garland City
- General Multi-Sector Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity
- General Permit for Coal Mining Operations
- General Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
- General Permit for Drinking Water Treatment Plants
- General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity Connected with Single Lot Housing Projects
- General Permit for Storm Water Discharges from Construction Activities
- General UPDES Pesticide Permit
- General Water Quality
- GGC Member Acquisition, Inc
- Gilly’s Inn
- Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
- Godfrey West Investors
- Gold King Mine
- Golden State Operating
- GPM Enviro Project Manager, LLC (formerly Anderson Geneva Development Inc. and formerly Geneva Steel, LLC)
- Gramoll Construction Company
- Grand Water and Sewer Service
- Granite Construction
- Grantsville City
- Graveyard Wash Reservoir
- Great Salt Lake Minerals Corporation
- Green River City
- Green River Resources, Inc.: American Sands Energy Corp.
- Gunlock Water Treatment Plant
- Harley Dome 1 Produced Water Treatment Facility
- Harper Dairy
- Health Advisory Panel
- Health Advisory Panel Meeting
- Headwaters Construction
- Heber Valley Special Services District
- Henefer Town
- Henderson Builders
- Heritage Land Development, LLC
- Hexcel Corporation
- Hiawatha Coal Company
- Hicks Canyon
- Hidden Canyon
- High Line Diary Farm
- Holiday Oil Company
- Holmes Western Deer Springs
- Holt Dairy
- Hydraulic Oil Cleanup
- Hydro Resources-Rocky Mountain, Inc
- Hyrum
- I-215 Land
- IHC Health Services
- Integrated Report
- Intended Use Plan and Project Priority List
- Intermountain Nutrition, LLC
- Intermountain Power
- Intrepid Mining, LLC
- Interstate Rock Products, Inc.
- Interstate Homes
- Jordan River
- Jordan Valley Municipalities
- Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District
- JSI Excavating and Talisker Mountain, Inc.
- JWright Companies, Inc.
- Kamas City
- Kane Creek Preservation and Development, LLC
- Kellerstrass
- Kelly Larkin Dairy
- Kennecott Utah Copper (Rio Tinto)
- Killowen Construction
- Lake Point Improvement District
- Lake Point Vistas, LC
- Leamington Town Corporation
- Legacy Builders, Inc. – My Place Hotel
- Lehi City
- Lewiston City
- Lindsay Douglas Construction, LLC
- Lisbon Valley Mining Co., LLC
- Little Mountain Service Area
- Logan City
- Long Valley Sewer Improvement District
- LTS Enterprises, LLC.
- Magnum Solution Mining, LLC
- Manti City Corporation
- Marathon Petroleum
- Materion Natural Resources
- MCW Energy Group
- McWane Ductile
- Meadow Gold Dairy
- Michael Carroll
- Midway Fish Hatchery
- Miller Brothers
- Millsite Dam Rehabilitation
- Millville City
- Mimbach Company
- Moab City
- Mona City
- Monticello City Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Morgan City Corporation
- Morgan Ranches Dairy
- Morton International, Inc.
- Monterey Properties
- Mountain Green Sewer Improvement District
- Mountain Vista Development
- Murray City Corporation
- Neola Improvement District
- Nephi Rubber Products
- Next Level Homes
- NGL Supply Terminal Solution Mining, LLC
- Non-Discharging Facilities with Annual Flow over 15,000 GPD
- Noo Sun Dairy
- Norbest Inc.
- North Davis Sewer District
- North Star Ranch – JThomas Homes
- North Utah County Water Conservancy District
- Northern Utah Environmental Resource Agency (NUERA)
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- NRP Jones, LLC
- Nucor Steel
- Oak City
- Oakley City
- Ogden Canyon DAI
- Ogden City Corporation
- Oldcastle Infrastructure
- Olsen/Neihart, Royal Street Landfill
- Omni Development Properties
- Orem City
- Orem Water Reclamation Facility
- Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company (McWane Ductile)
- PacifiCorp Energy
- Paragon Medical
- Park City Municipal Corporation
- Parley’s Watershed Protection Project
- Parowan City
- Payson City
- Payson Power Plant
- Peak Industrial Services
- Peak Minerals, Inc
- Penske Trucking Facility, South Salt Lake
- Pepperdign Homes, LLC
- Perry Homes, Inc.
- Perry/Willard Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Peterson Builders, Inc.
- PFAS Workgroup
- Pitman Farms
- Plain City
- Powder Mountain Water and Sewer Improvement District
- Price River Water Improvement District (PRWID)
- Prioritizing Utah’s 303(d) List
- Procter and Gamble Paper Products Company (P&G)
- Providence at Overlook
- Provo City
- Purehaven Homes, LLC
- Pyrenees Dairy
- N/A
- Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Company
- Rasmussen Feedlot
- Red Butte Creek
- Red Cliffs Lodge
- Red Leaf Resources, Inc.
- Regal Homes
- Remco Subdivision – Pratt Dimond
- Revolution Dairy Farm
- Reynolds Excavation
- Richmond American Homes
- Richmond City Wastewater Treatment Facility
- Rim Mine
- Rio Tinto Kennecott Copper East Abutment Extension
- Rockport Reservoir and Echo Reservoir
- Ruby Pipeline, LLC
- Rulon Van Tassell Feedlot
- Salem City
- Salt Development, LLC
- Salt Lake City
- Salt Lake County
- Salt Lake City Department of Airports
- Samuel Clegg Construction LLC
- Sandy City
- Santaquin Water Reclamation Facility
- Saratoga Springs
- Salvage Service Corporation
- Sawtooth NGL Caverns LLC
- Schreiber Foods
- Shadow Cove Townhomes, LLC
- Sierra Homes
- Silver Creek Water Reclamation Facility
- Silver Sage Villas
- Simplot Phosphates LLC
- Sinclair Trucking Company
- Skyline Ridge
- SLC II Development
- SLC Camber, LLC
- Smithfield Hog Production
- Smooth Stone Homes
- Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District
- South Davis Sewer District
- South Utah Valley Solid Waste District
- South Valley
- South Valley Water Reclamation Facility
- Spanish Fork City
- Spanish Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Spring City Corporation
- Spring Creek Subdivision
- Springdale (Town)
- St. George City Water Reclamation Facility
- Staker and Parson Companies
- Standards of Quality for Waters of the State 2017 Triennial Review
- Stansbury Park Improvement District
- Strawberry Bay Recreation
- Stone Creek Subdivision
- Subsurface Disposal Facilities
- Sun Ray Dairy
- Sunnyside Cogeneration Associates (SCA)
- Sunscape Farms
- Sunstone Homes Inc.
- SW Energy
- Swift and Company
- Synergy Company of Utah
- Talisker Mountain, Inc. and JSI Excavating
- Tamara Mining, LLC
- Tarter Gate West
- Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District
- Tesoro
- The Oil Mining Company, Inc. (TomCo)
- Timpanogos Special Service District
- TNT General Contractors, LLC
- TNT Waste Services
- Tooele City Corporation
- Tooele City Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Transwest Pick-A-Part
- Tremonton City
- Triennial Review (Standards of Quality for Waters of the State)
- Tripple M D LLC
- Trueframe Construction
- Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc.
- Uintah Advantage
- Uintah Basin Railway, LLC
- Uintah County Commission
- Uintah Water Conservancy District
- Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)
- United States Army Corps of Engineers
- Uranium One Americas, Inc.
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- US Environmental Protection Agency
- US Magnesium LLC
- Utah Alunite Potash Ridge
- Utah and Colordo Water Survey
- Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems
- Utah Auto Wrecking of St. George, LLC
- Utah Beef Producers
- Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
- Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
- Utah Iron, LLC
- Utah Land Resources (Formerly Genwal Resources Inc, West Ridge Resources Inc)
- Utah State Parks and Recreation
- Wadeland South Dairy LLC
- Wall 2 Wall Construction
- Wastewater Permit
- Waterleaf Resources
- Wayne County
- Weir Minerals NA SLC-Rubber Engineering
- Wellsville City
- Western Energy Operating, LLC
- Westinghouse Electric Company (Western Zirconium)
- Westland Construction, Inc
- Wild Horse Ranch – Richmond American Homes
- Willard Bay
- Willow Creek Companies of Colorado
- Willow Lakes Residential Project
- Winterton Trucking
- Wolf Pack Way
- WPR Development Company
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A